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Writing and Discussion Assignments

(Send your assignments for inclusion on this list to Edward J. Gallagher at

1) Douglass Adair -- describing himself as a "research historian" and a "professional historian" -- carefully examines the Jefferson-Hemings Controversy, claiming "it is possible to prove that Jefferson was innocent of Callender's charges" (169). Just as carefully, examine Adair's analysis in turn. Does he make his case? Why, why not? What comments do you have about his argumentative strategies?

Repeat this exercise with other critics in this episode, for instance, Dumas Malone, Merrill Peterson, Garry Wills, and so forth. What are their claims? How do they support those claims? And are they successful?

Share your response with others. Compare. What did you see that others didn't and vice-versa? Where was there common ground, where disagreement? (Edward Gallagher)