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Barbara Chase-Riboud, Sally Hemings: A Novel

Teachers: Assign the novel in chunks over several days before the unit begins, then assign students a specific part of the novel on which to focus for the beginning of class discussion.

Students: I've assigned you each a section of the novel on which to focus. You are not restricted to the specific page numbers but can widen your perspective as appropriate. The idea is to quickly get some comments out on major sections and characters ranging over the entire novel. Be ready to give us something to think about. Page numbers are to the Chicago Review Press edition (2009).


First sex (99-103)

First pregnancy and the promise (140-44)

Other interactions with Jefferson (multiple):
-- the morning after (112-14)
-- freedom (118-22)
-- the letters (186-88)
-- Declaration of Independence (190-94)
-- her private room (204-5)
-- arguing over Prosser rebellion (220-24)
-- perfect love (242)
-- presidential power (268-70)
-- wants to kill (276-78)

Sally's family/Elizabeth:
-- death
-- rift (151-52)
-- first child (177-80)
-- love/freedom (206-8)
-- Wythe murder (264-67)

Sally's family/James:
-- revolution (136-39)
-- free (201-2)
-- wants Sally to leave (225-29)
-- dies (242)

Jefferson's Family/Martha:
-- Sally with lover (131-33)
-- two mistresses conflict
-- after Jefferson's death (327-30):

Callender (243-57)

-- Tom (277-78)
-- Beverley (297-310)
-- Harriet (311-19)
-- Madison
-- Eston

Jefferson's death and aftermath for Sally (320-30)

Sale of the slaves (331-38)

Sally with Langdon (1-54):
-- burning letters and diaries (50-54)

-- first contact (1-54)
-- seeking information (chaps 21-23)
-- last contact (341-43)

Nat Turner (55-60)