Pennsylvania - Timeline (Collapse All)
The English and they [Delawares] live very peaceably, by reason the English satisfies them for their Land. (Steven Craig Harper, "Promised Land: The Holy Experiment and the Walking Purchase." Ph.D. Dissertation. Lehigh University, 2001: 41)
We meet on the broad pathway of good faith and good will; no advantage shall be taken on either side, but all shall be open-ness and love. (William Penn's speech to Indians on this occasion.)
Delaware sachem Sassoonan: "Christians settle on lands that the Indians have never been paid for."
[...]for truth is indeed stranger than fiction and the "Walking Purchase" is pregnant with all those human emotions one would expect to find in a classic novel–villainy, bravery, physical prowess, hatred, love, and revenge! (Ray Thompson, The Walking Purchase Hoax of 1737. Fort Washington: Bicentennial Press, 1973: 3)
American history has attempted to keep a "low profile" on the Walking Purchase of of the most sordid pages in the record of Indian-white relations. (Ray Thompson, The Walking Purchase Hoax of 1737. Fort Washington: Bicentennial Press, 1973: 3)