- 0:05:25 Foreshadowing
- Terry: Charlie, do you think it's smart to keep all those notes?
- 0:10:21 Piecing together the clues
- Charlie: See, Patrick said that they were running search and destroy missions.
Beth: Who's Patrick?
Terry: The Colonel stationed in Vina.
Charlie: Listen, we saw some very upsetting things in Vina.
- 0:15:49 Confusion
- Charlie: (referring to the newspaper) Now, I don't understand, there's nothing here. Now, they told us in Vina that the military were executing thousands of people hereâ€"there's nothing.
Kathy: When were you in Vina?
Charlie: We just got back yesterday. Wanna hear something strange? Our hotel was full of American military officers.
Kathy: I'd forget about that.
- 0:16:44 Play dumb
- Kathy: Now listen, both of you. Forget this and forget Vina. Find yourselves a safe place, a hotel with lots of people around. Just hole up there until you can get out of here.
- 0:17:20 False confidence
- Charlie: Don't worry they can't hurt us. We're Americans!
- 0:26:05 Help from government?
- Government official: Here in the State Department sir, we've investigated and have been unable to find any trace of your son. Neither our embassy down there or the military government know where he is.
Ed: Yet The New York Times says that he's been arrested.
Government official: Well, that's what your daughter-in-law told the press. She's been pestering those embassy people, so they told me.
Ed: Terry Simon is a friend. She was there on vacation caught in the coup. She confirmed everything that Beth told me.
Woman official: The arrested Americans have all been released, thanks to our embassy's efforts. The last two, Terrugi and Hollowayâ€"
Government official: yeah, they're friends of your son's
Woman: were released. And Terrugi left without even thanking the embassy.
Government official: Mr. Horman, this is gonna take a little time. I suggest you go back up to New York and relax, and let us handle it.
- 0:28:09 Clarification, please
- Congressman: What are his politics?
Ed: Liberal, I suppose.
Congressman: Liberal? Or Radical?
Ed: Congressman, my son is much too wishy-washy to be a radical.
- 0:32:30 Losing hope
- Beth: Well, I don't expect a whole hell of a lot anymore?
Ed: Why?
Beth: He's been gone two weeks. And I don't know, they give me the same song and dance over and over again. He could be hurt or…tortured. They don't give a god damn about him.
Ed: Oh look, really, I don't want to hear any of your anti-establishment paranoia! I certainly get enough of that from my son. If he had settled down where he belongs, this would never have happened in the first place.
- 0:35:28 A disapproving father
- Ed: What did he do?
Beth: What?
Ed: What stupid thing did Charles do to cause his arrest or make him go into hiding?
Beth: Ed, Charlie is not a stupid man.
Ed: Well, he wasn't too smart, I can tell you. Getting into such a mess that I have to fly 16 hours in order toâ€"Sometimes I honestly think that that boy is incapable of doing anything, except of course give idealistic speeches and write novels that'll never be published. Unless, the entire disappearing act is a stunt, to publicize his forthcoming autobiography.
Beth: Well, why don't you just go home. I'll find my husband myself.
- 0:36:55 Government empathy?
- Ambassador: But first I want to express our deep concern over your son's disappearance.
Ed: Thank you
Ambassador: I assure you, every element at our disposal has been and will continue to be utilized to facilitate his safe return.
- 0:37:42 Frustration
- Beth: We've been through this a hundred times. You know damn well he's not in hiding. Our whole neighborhood saw him picked up by a goon squad!
- 0:43:48 Suspicious
- Andrew Babcock: Well, the Navy sent me down here to do a job and, ah, she's done.
- 0:47:26 "Friendly" advice
- Tower: You know, if I were you (to Beth) I'd quit living in the past. I think it's time you started thinking about your future.
- 0:51:07 Criticism
- Ed: Well, I guess it's easy to be poor when you have a round trip ticket in your pocket.
- 0:52:38 The Little Prince
- Beth: (reading) It's only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
Ed: What is essential?
Beth: The stuff you can't see.
- 0:59:32 Angry words from a father
- Ed: If you had stayed where you belong and paid a little attention to the basics, this never would've happened.
Beth: And what are the basics? God, Country, and Wall Street?
- 1:10:12 Desperation
- Ed: (to U.S. Government officials) I just want you to reach those people and tell them that I will take Charles back in any condition. I'm not gonna make a stink. I'm not gonna go to the newspapers. You make out any kind of a release form, I'll sign it. I will absolve anyoneâ€"everyone of everything. I just want my boy back. (pause) He's the only child I have, sir.
- 1:11:23 Proud to be an American?
- Putnam: I've never seen so many cables from Washington. What kind of pull do you have up there?
Ed: I'm an American citizen.
- 1:19:17 Wake-up call
- Silvio: (to Ed) You Americans, you always assume we must do something before you can be arrested.
Ed: Well, isn't that the way it usually works?
Silvio: Not around here, Mr. Horman
- 1:58:40 Holding someone accountable
- Ed: Well, there's something I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sue you Phil, and Tower and the Ambassador and everybody who let that boy die. We're gonna make it so hot for you you'll wish you were stationed in the Antarctic.
Phil: Well, I guess that's your privilegeâ€"
Ed: NO, IT'S MY RIGHT! I just thank God that we live in a country where we can still put people like you in jail.