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Films >> Summer of Sam (1999) >>

Print Resources

Harden, Blaine. "'Son of Sam' Weeps, as Others Rage, at Movie." New York Times 20 June 1999: 1.1.
Attempting to capture Berkowitz's reaction to this film, journalist Blaine Harden conducted an in-person interview with the convicted murderer at the Sullivan Correctional Facility. In this lengthy article, Berkowitz expresses his anguish over the film's creation as well as his consternation that the Walt Disney Company backed it. Harden then grants equal time to the families of Berkowitz's victims. All voice their anger and pain at both Spike Lee and the Walt Disney Company. Throughout the article, Harden incorporates a large amount of historical background (some details of which I have not found elsewhere). In sum, this article encapsulates the outrage Lee provoked when he committed to such a sensitive project . . . and incidentally provides a generous "recap" of that scorching summer. Highly recommended!
Klausner, Lawrence. Son of Sam: Based on the Authorized Transcription of the Tapes, Official Documents and Diaries of David Berkowitz. New York: McGraw, 1981.
Comprehensive and precise, Klausner's research yields a relatively objective examination of this intensely publicized case. Providing insight into Berkowitz's dementia, Klausner includes a cascade of pertinent biographical information. Berkowitz's hasty adoption, lonely upbringing, and premature development are all addressed. Not only does Klausner devote an entire chapter to Berkowitz's paranoid fear of dogs, he does likewise for Berkowitz's years as an Army sharpshooter. Moreover, in an effort to recognize David Berkowitz's victims, Klausner dedicates boundless effort in relating the story of each. On the technical side, Klausner painstakingly chronicles police involvement in the serial shooter's capture. Included in Klausner's book are photos of Berkowitz's original letters and drawings, candid pictures of his victims, police sketches of Berkowitz before his arrest, and snapshots of Berkowitz's unkempt apartment. By far, Klausner's book is the most exact, thoroughly annotated research text available.
Pizzello, Steven. "Spike Lee's Seventies Flashback." American Cinematographer June 1999: 50-52.
Pizzello's interview with Spike Lee provides valuable insight into both the creative and technical aspects of this film. A life-long resident of N.Y.C., Lee discusses the manner in which his personal experience of the summer of 1977 influenced the film. Everything from polyester shirts to punk rock music is addressed. Regarding cinematography, Lee gives a perfunctory description of his use of multiple cameras, cranes, and dollies. Though brief, this interview permits a short (but guarded) journey into Lee's mind.

See Also

Conard, Mark T. The Philosophy Of Spike Lee. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2011.

Epstein, Daniel. "Interview With Spike Lee." Film 5.7 (2003): 32-33.

Flory, Dan. "Race And Black American Film Noir: Summer of Sam as Lynching Parable." The Spike Lee Reader. Ed. Paula J. Massood. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2008. 196-211.

Horvath, Brooke, and Melissa Prunty Kemp. "All Things to All People: Opposing Agendas and Ambiguous Purpose in The Films Of Spike Lee." Hollins Critic 31.4 (1994): 1-17.

Lippy, Tod. "Spike Lee." New York Film-Makers on New York Film-Making. Ed. Tod Lippy. London: Faber & Faber, 2000. 67-78.

Massood, Paula J. "The Quintessential New Yorker And Global Citizen: An Interview With Spike Lee." Cineaste 28.3 (2003): 4-6.

Palmer, R. Barton. "Monsters And Moralism in Summer Of Sam." The Philosophy of Spike Lee. Ed. Mark T. Conard. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2011. 54-71.

Rollins, Peter C. The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past. New York: Columbia UP, 2003.

Van Peebles, Melvin, David Lee, and Spike Lee. Five for Five: The Films of Spike Lee. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1991.

Online Resources

Baxter, Billy. "The Spike Lee Interview."
While Billy Baxter's interview tends to stray, it does make a hardy attempt to focus on Summer of Sam. Included in the article, Lee: 1.) addresses the controversy surrounding his film, 2.) discusses his personal experience of that fateful summer, and 3.) justifies his basing a film on a serial killer. Although there are no earth-shattering epiphanies, this interview certainly merits a peek.
Derry, Charles. "Spike Lee." Film Reference.
Facts and brief analysis of Lee's career.
Moverman, Oren. "Son of Sam Spiked! (Filmmaker Spike Lee) (Interview.)" July 1999.
For all of those who allot the internet precious little credence, I present Oren Moverman's interview with Spike Lee. A phenomenal piece, Moverman pulls more candid, casual responses from Lee than all other interviewers combined. In this lengthy piece, Lee: 1.) discusses the media's role in the "Son of Sam" hysterics, 2.) exalts the wildly free years of that decade, 3.) addresses the families of Berkowitz's victims, and 4.) comments on the sex-scenes which nearly earned "Summer of Sam" a NC-17 rating (Lee is dismayed that the MPAA was not concerned with the film's graphic violence, but took offense at the film's sexual content.) For those seeking more information on the film's origin and inspiration, this is a "can't miss" article. A truly exemplary interview!