- The Opening Script
- In Presenting this picture it has been the aim to show conditions as they actually existed in early America -- pre-revolutionary days when in order to sustain his own life, a man had to fight for it.
Daniel Boone was the outstanding figure of the early pioneer period and his life too adventurous to show in its entirety -- the incidents portrayed here are centered around the time of his moving to Kentucky.
- 0:04:22 Impressionable Natives
- Titles: The Indians were never so cruel as when led by a renegade white.
- 0:12:24 The Worth of a White Man
- Daniel Boone: I'll spare you because you're white, Gerty.
- 0:29:22 What a Nice Guy
- Rebe: Such bravery is sure to be rewarded.
Boone: Savin' you is a reward itself.
- 1:00:32 Rebe's Prayer Answered
- Rebe's prayer: "-And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil--."
- 1:04:56 Retribution
- Chief Grey Eagle: A life for a life.
- 1:19:27 Natives Quoting Scripture?
- Chief Grey Eagle: As man liveth, so shall he die.