- Vol. 1 0:00:10 Walt Disney Introduces the Film Series and Daniel Boone
- In a country cabin decked with frontier memorabilia, Walt Disney introduces the adventure series. He includes Daniel Boone in a pantheon of heroes who were compelled to "push beyond the boundaries of civilization to find out what was on the other side of the mountain or the other side of the sea." As examples, he cites the Vikings, Columbus, Hudson, astronauts, and other "trailblazers" like Ponce de Leon, Cortes, La Salle, and Lewis and Clark. Drawing on the historical context of 1753, Disney says, "the whole of the Ohio River Valley was an unexplored wilderness that no white man had ever seen. Daniel didn't need much encouragement. A born hunter/trapper with an itching foot, he needed plenty of elbow-room and it was getting crowded in the Yadkin Valley. Why, he complained that on a clear day he could see the chimney smoke of his nearest neighbor some six miles away!" Here Disney draws on John Bakeless's portrait of Boone as a genetically adventurous trailblazer.
- Vol. 1 0:02:05 Title and Series Theme Song
- Opening and closing each of the four episodes, the following song is repeated and amended throughout the series:
"Although his life depended a lot / On every handmade bullet he shot, / The one thing he never learned was this, / He never learned how to miss, / He never learned how to miss, / He never learned how to miss . . ."
- Vol. 1 0:02:25 Where's Daniel?
- The film opens in the Yadkin Valley in North Carolina in the year 1760. Rebecca Boone, Daniel's wife, descends a small hill to deliver Daniel's lunch and water jug, but all she finds is a resting ox, plough, and Daniel's hat resting on the plough handle. She looks in the distance, sighs, hears Daniel singing from the edge of the forest, and leaves the food as a sign that she has been there.
- Vol. 1 0:03:27 Daniel's Song, Bear Kill, and Tree Carving
- Daniel carves his name, the date, and a short inscription into a tree to mark and commemorate that he had killed a bear at that very spot. The real Daniel Boone did this same thing, literally carving himself into the wilderness and into history. As he carves, he sings the following song that he will repeat many times throughout the series:
Come all you fine, brave neighbors,
Who have a mind to go
To settle in Kentucky
And chase the buffalo.
In some far distant country
Your fortune there will grow
We'll lay upon the banks of blessed Ohio.
All the way from Yadkin Valley
To Kentucky I did go
To rally round the canebrake and shoot the buffalo.
Come all ye old fine fellows,
It's time again to range
To some far distant country
Your fortune there to change.
Oh, I've got a sweet, sweet little wife
A wife of my own choosin',
I'll hug her neat and kiss her sweet
And go no more a courtin'.
- Vol. 1 0:03:52 Finley and Fabled Kaintuck'*
- An old travelling salesman named John Finley** looks over Daniel's kill (a big, black bear) and calls it a "fair size," saying that Kaintuck' is full of larger bears. Daniel insists that a man married but three weeks can't go "gallavantin' around anywheres, not even to Kentucky." Apparently they have had similar conversations before because Boone alludes to the fact that he has said this before. Daniel wants to hear more, however, and Finley tells how Kentucky is teeming with so much game that a man "can't hardly breathe." Daniel insists that he will be a farmer, as he had promised Rebecca (recall 02:25 Where's Daniel? scene). In Daniel's attentive ear, Finley continues his description of the land over the mountain: "In Kaintuck the land is pure magic. Ya plant it and git twenty bushels to the acre." Daniel says that the stories that Finley has told him over the past couple weeks continue to occupy his thoughts. Finley then tells Daniel about the path to Kentucky that the Indians call the Warrior's Path. It leads to their hunting grounds. Finley urges Daniel to go: "Boy, find that path and you got Kaintuck opened up before you just like a ripe melon waitin' to be enjoyed." Daniel is entranced by the imagery and the idea of Kaintuck: "New land, where the grass ain't been a-turned over by the plow . . . " Daniel asks Finley if he can find the path, and Finley says he can and that he must find it before he dies. Daniel dreams of "elbow-room, space to breathe" (Daniel will repeat these images throughout the four volumes). Boone continues singing, and Finley joins in the last line:
And rabbit shot the monkey
And the monkey shot the crow
We'll ramble in the canebreak
And shoot the buffalo
* There are two reasons why I use the "Kaintuck" spelling: 1. This spelling is used in the film's source, John Bakeless's Daniel Boone (1939), in reference to the wilderness area; 2. The film characters pronounce it this way, rather than as "Kentucke," another early spelling.
** In his 1992 Boone biography, John Mack Faragher spells it "Findley."
- Vol. 1 0:07:53 Boone home
- Daniel apologizes to Rebecca about lunch and not wearing the hat she had recently given him (hats make him feel all cooped up). Rebecca says that she wishes Daniel were content to be a farmer and stay home. She admits that she is jealous of the way that Daniel looks at the mountains.  Rebecca challenges Daniel to articulate what he is looking for. Daniel says he wants to give his children a "strange new earth and new sky," saying things must grow and change. This romantic rhetoric suddenly sparks a glimmer in Rebecca's eye, and she encourages Daniel to go (This will happen again in IV 26:48). Daniel says that they lack the funds to do so. She suggests that he go to Judge Richard Henderson for financial backing. She, too, has been dreaming of what's over the mountain. Daniel equates Henderson with a "fat rabbit" who has the necessary funds.
- Vol. 1 0:10:18 Henderson's Office
- For Henderson, Daniel invokes Finley's description of Kentucky, but Henderson says that Daniel's dream will remain a dream because the British colonial law (Royal Proclamation of 1763) forbids anyone to go beyond the mountains. Boone now employs the language of profit and capital enterprise to persuade Henderson: "Judge, there's a new empire out there. A new empire called Kaintuck. A man gets it for nothing, and he sells it for clear profit." Judge says he cannot help Boone as long as he sits on the bench; the law prohibits westward expansion and economic ventures in that region. Boone is leaving when Henderson slips bank notes from his pocket and drops them on the floor. He insists that Boone must have dropped the money on the floor and gives it to Boone, who heartily accepts it and says he will repay the judge. The judge declines to agree to terms on paper and would rather accept the word of a Quaker.
- Vol. 1 0:11:50 Preparing for Departure
- Boone speaks with his brother Squire and asks him to watch over his house and wife. They plan to meet again in the wilderness during the first week of October. Finley's wagon pulls up, and he asks for Rebecca's permission to store his wagon on the Boone home until he returns.
- Vol. 1 0:13:33 Parting Words
- Daniel and Rebecca exchange words. Looking at her flowers, Daniel jokes, "I don't think I'll see anything prettier even if I do see an ocean of [flowers]."  Rebecca cries, and then she retrieves the hat and fits it onto his head.
- Vol. 1 0:14:34 Departure, Searching for the Warrior's Path and Kentucky
- Daniel, Finley, John Stuart, and a few others depart on horseback to search for the Warrior's Path.
- Vol. 1 0:14:48 Difficult Terrain
- As the melody for "And Chase the Buffalo" plays, a few scenes show the horses and men moving over the difficult terrain.  At one point the men turn back on their path, exasperated because Finley hasn't yet led them to the Warrior's Path.
- Vol. 1 0:16:17 Men Challenge Finley
- Two men in the party question Finley's memory and his ability to find a path that might not exist. Boone defends Finley, saying, "No need to get ourselves riled. Things change. Nature washes her face with spring rains. Trees grow up, another dies and falls. It's easy enough to get yourself mixed up." This encourages Finley.
- Vol. 1 0:17:00 Another Challenge
- One man says that the path could be "crazy Injun talk or an old man's mind playin' tricks." Finley swears that the path exists. Boone says he'll scout around for it, finds nothing, and settles down to sleep for the night. He sets twigs between two thickets in such a way that he will be awakened should anything tred upon them. He falls asleep looking at his hat and smiling.
- Vol. 1 0:19:05 Twigs Snap, Alarm!
- A passing Indian hunting party snaps the twigs, and Boone scrambles to see them as they move through the wilderness carrying a deer carcass. Boone follows them and discovers the Warrior's Path that ascends the mountain.
- Vol. 1 0:21:00 The Warrior's Path and Mountain Crest
- He follows them to the crest of the mountains and looks out onto the Kentucky wilderness. He smiles broadly, but then the smile disappears as a Shawnee native stands but a few feet away with a raised tomahawk.
- Vol. 1 0:21:15 Boone and Shawnee Struggle
- A fight ensues, the advantage shifting back and forth. The Shawnee swipes with his tomahawk to behead Boone, but Boone avoids it. Finally, Boone throws the Shawnee and knocks him unconscious. Boone tosses the tomahawk to the Indian's side.
- Vol. 1 0:22:51 Boone's Men to the Crest
- "And Chase the Buffalo" plays as the men ride the Warrior's Path. The men make camp, and Boone goes out to seek a "far seeing place" as he had promised Rebecca.  Boone and Finley gain the "Commanding Ridge" where Boone sees the "strange, new land, a new sky." Finley says, "It's all I said it was, ain't it Dan'l?" Boone responds, "You couldn't lie enough to do it justice, friend."
- Vol. 1 0:23:56 Singing and Tree Carving on the Commanding Ridge
- Boone sings "And Chase the Buffalo" and carves an inscription into a tree: "Here is good land boys. D Boone."
- Vol. 1 0:24:30 Trapping and Tracks
- Loaded with furs and skins, Boone and John Stuart are returning to camp when they spot Indian tracks. They drop the furs and sprint back to camp.
- Vol. 1 0:24:55 Finley Speaks His Dying Words
- As the men approach camp, they see Finley with an arrow in his back. Boone extracts the arrow (not smart!) and says, "looks like you got yourself a souvenir from Kentucky, Mr. Finley." Finley gives Boone the arrowhead, and Boone respectfully accepts it, "I'm honored real proud." Finley explains that Cody was scared and took a shot at the Indians.  Then the air was full of arrows, and the men ran into the woods. Dying, Finley speaks these ominous words: "Dan'l, you're one of the humans I liked real fine. I showed ya my dream, boy. I don't know how much favor I've done ya. It's dark, Kaintuck, blood ground."
- Vol. 1 0:26:33 Shawnee Captives
- Many Shawnee emerge from the woods. Chief Blackfish tells Boone to come along with them. Boone resists, saying he must first bury his friend. A Shawnee named Crow Feather demands that Boone obey the chief's orders. They lead Boone and his companion into the woods.
- Vol. 1 0:27:00 Shawnee Camp
- Back at the camp at night, the Shawnees form a circle and are about to begin the War Club tribunal that decides if the captives live or die. Boone stands up and says he will try to win some votes. His hands are untied. Crow Feather starts to his feet, but Blackfish holds him back.
- Vol. 1 0:28:00 Boone Tries to Win Votes
- Boone performs a knife-swallowing stunt to impress the Indians. When he miraculously pulls the knife from his shirt, a frightened Shawnee grabs it and throws it into the woods.
- Vol. 1 0:28:58 Shooting Match
- Crow Feather challenges Boone to a rifle shooting match. Boone says he is a fair shot.  Boone loses the match, but Crow Feather is noticeably disappointed. Blackfish smiles. When Stuart asks why Boone purposely lost, he says that Crow Feather wanted Boone to win so he could kill him. At this point, it is established that Crow Feather is the angry, bad, resentful Indian, while Chief Blackfish is understanding, tolerant, and good.
- Vol. 1 0:30:18 War Club Tribunal
- The War Clan vote proceeds, the war club is passed around the circle. Those who want the captives to survive pass the club and remain seated. Those who wish to execute the captives stick the club in the ground, stand, and cross their arms.
- Vol. 1 0:31:27 Chief Blackfish Votes
- In a six to six tie, Blackfish casts the decisive vote. He ponders his decision, stares his men in the face, and embraces the war club. Crow Feather raises his chin.
- Vol. 1 0:31:40 Blackfish Speaks to Captives, Issues Warning (Warning #1)
- Blackfish commands Boone and Stuart, "You will go home. Do not come back. These hunting grounds belong to Indian. Wild animals are to us as cattle are to white man. All fur and skins belong to Indian. You will go home. Do not come back." Notice here that the merciful chief speaks in broken English. Bakeless recounts a similar ceremony (p. 165) that occurred in 1778 when Boone and others were captured during a salt-making trip. The vote in that case was 61 for mercy and 59 for kill. Bakeless says that Boone relied on a black Indian slave named Pompey to interpret what the Indians were saying and doing. In the film, Boone understands all of what the Shawnee say.
- Vol. 1 0:32:00 Crow Feather's Warning
- Crow Feather adds this warning, "And if you are so foolish as to come back, be sure the wasps and the yellow jackets will sting you severely."Â Boone and Stuart leave.
- Vol. 1 0:32:23 Finley Buried
- Boone and Stuart return to their previous camp and bury Finley's body, placing a cross at his grave which reads: "John Finley 1760."
- Vol. 1 0:32:25 Squire Arrives
- Hearing a rustling in the woods, Boone starts and yells, "Come outta there you murderin' redskin."  At this, Squire emerges and says he met his brother as he had promised.  Talking about Stuart's dead boy, Daniel says that the tomahawk is a sign that Crow Feather has made this a "personal matter." They go about burying John Stuart. Bakeless reports that Boone and Stuart were joined by Squire Boone and Alexander Neely.
- Vol. 1 0:32:43 Commanding Ridge
- Boone returns to the Commanding Ridge, reads his inscription, sighs, and looks out onto Kentucky. He recalls Finley's voice from their first view of Kentucky: "It's all I said it was, ain't it Dan'l?" Boone repeats aloud his previous response, "You couldn't lie enough to do it justice, friend."
- Vol. 1 0:33:19 Hideout Cave
- Boone returns to the hidden cave where he and Stuart have been living since being released by the Shawnee. Boone tells Stuart that Stuart must return to the Yadkin while he himself must stay to hunt and trap enough to pay back Henderson. Stuart defies Boone, demanding that he stay.  They agree to hunt separately during the day and return to camp at night. Boone warns him, "Take care, Johnny. Take care."
- Vol. 1 0:34:30 Circling Buzzards
- While setting traps, Boone sees buzzards circling overhead and speeds off in that direction.
- Vol. 1 0:34:55 John Stuart Scalped
- Boone finds Stuart scalped at the base of a tree (for the young audience, the view of the scalped head is obstructed by a tree). A Shawnee tomahawk is in the tree.
- Vol. 1 0:36:00 Hideout Cave and "Think Injun"
- Back at the hideout cave, Daniel and Squire talk about the dangers that the Indians pose. Squire notes that the Boone brothers have tricks of their own. They can "think Injun." Squire describes the land, "It's a tender juicy cut of country worth seeing." Daniel says they will look out for each other.  He adds that if he stays a moment longer than necesssary to pay Henderson: "I want you to wallop the tar out of me." This, of course, won't happen, because Boone will return anyway.
- Vol. 1 0:37:15 Wasp Nest Trick
- As they hunt the next day, the Boone boys spot Crow Feather's Shawnee party searching for them.  Daniel diverts the Indians by throwing a large wasp nest at them. The Indians run off swatting at attacking wasps.
- Vol. 1 0:39:00 Dying Shawnee and a Biblical Lesson
- The Boones find an old dying Indian. Daniel explains, "His people have left him here to die because he ain't a use anymore." Squire cites the Old Testament ("eye for an eye"), saying that they should kill the old Indian in retribution for Johnny's murder.  Daniel responds, "It seems I remember something else from the same book. 'If thine enemy be hungry, feed him. If he be thirsty, give him water to drink'." They dismount to help the Indian (I don't know how they got the horses. The first Indian attack had driven off Daniel's horses, and Squire didn't have any when he appeared in the forest).
- Vol. 1 0:40:30 Shawnee Approach, "You are more Indian than you know."
- Having been nursed by the Boones, the old man is now revived. The smoke from their fire attracts the Shawnee, led by Chief Blackfish. Blackfish says, "For many moons you have covered your tracks well Wide Mouth. You are more Indian than you know." Daniel replies, "I have taught myself to think like my red brothers." Blackfish returns, "Indian would not build fire even to feed dying one."
- Vol. 1 0:40:57 Blackfish is Merciful Again
- With wasp-sting welts all over his face, Crow Feather raises his tomahawk to kill Daniel. Blackfish restrains him, possibly saving Boone's life, and says: "It was foolish to allow yourself to be caught because of aged one, but the deed was from the heart. And for this reason you will leave this country, but you will go as you came, with nothing that belongs to Shawnee, not one hide of deer, not one pelt of beaver. Now go quickly, while I talk with my brothers."
- Vol. 1 0:41:25 Daniel Refuses Blackfish's Terms and Proposes a Contest
- Daniel says, 'Nuh uh, I'm not leavin behind what I worked so hard to get" and then proposes another contest. Crow Feather laughs, "White man is not match for Crow Feather." Daniel mocks Crow Feather: "No match! Ha-ha-ha. Why I made you run and squeal like a frightened squaw." Daniel demands a contest, the terms of which stipulate that if Boone loses, his friend is to be released, and if he wins, both men are to be freed and will keep the furs they have acquired.
- Vol. 1 0:42:30 Shooting Contest #2 and Boone Wins
- Daniel stalls and tricks Crow Feather into going first. Boone's shot is right on the mark, and he wins. Boone is acccused of cheating. As a deciding contest, Blackfish announces another contest to the death--racing across a stream and fighting for a tomahawk to be used to kill the loser. After a long contest in which the advantage turns several times, Boone wins but spares Crow Feather's life.
- Vol. 1 0:45:10 Blackfish Issues Another Parting Warning (Warning #2)
- To the victorious Boone, Blackfish issues another warning: "I warn you. Do not come back again. The redman world is growing smaller. We must fight to survive. And to survive we must kill. I say this so you may tell others who may wish to come." A last image of the Indians is Crow Feather struggling to get to his feet after being defeated by the white man.
- Vol. 1 0:45:55 Daniel Returns Home to Yadkin
- Singing the verse about his "sweet, sweet wife, and go no more a-courtin'." Daniel returns to his Yadkin farm. As he embraces Rebecca, a baby's cry sounds from the house (yes, Rebecca has kept the house, kept the fire, kept the food, and has had a baby while Daniel was away.) Daniel seems resolved to remain home. Daniel is not satisfied with "James Boone" as the name for his son. He declares his full name is James Finley Stuart Boone. The "Finley Stuart part, that'll remind me to stay home. Settle down. Make the farm pay."
- Vol. 1 0:47:06 Rebecca and Daniel at Home
- Rebecca thinks that he can't resist the temptation of the mountains but will ride off again to go a-courtin' the land. Daniel speaks the closing words of this volume, "Well, maybe I didn't get rich, Rebecca, but I did see Kaintucke, all of it. And I did see a new sky and a strange new earth. And I saw grass that was almost as blue as the sky at night. And I heard streams that sing all loud and clear. Elbow room, Space to breath."
- Vol. 1 0:47:45 Mountains
- Rebecca appears mesmerized by Daniel's description of Kentucky. They go to the front door. Holding his son, Daniel gazes at the mountains. Rebecca looks admiringly at her husband and then turns her gaze toward the mountains.
- Vol. 1 0:48:05 Credits to Volume I and Theme Song
- As the credits roll, the opening song plays:
Although his life depended a lot
On every handmade bullet he shot,
The one thing he never learned was this,
He never learned how to miss,
He never learned how to miss,
He never learned how to miss, ...
I guess no man'l ever be Dan'l,
I guess no man'l ever be Dan'l, ever be Dan'l Boone."
- Vol. 2 0:00:00 Theme Song "I guess no man'l ever be Dan'l"
- "I guess no man'l ever be Dan'l, Ever be Dan'l Boone."
- Vol. 2 0:00:30 Walt Disney Introduction
- In a frontier cabin, Walt Disney carries a replica of Boone's famous rifle, "Ticklicker," so named because Boone could reportedly shoot a tick from 100 yards. Disney recounts old stories that on many occasions, Boone shot two attacking Indians with one shot "a kind of a billiard shot you might call it" (according to Bakeless, there was no ricocheting billiard shot but a bullet that passed through one Indian into another). Disney then reviews the first volume. Calling Crow Feather Daniel's arch-enemy, he recounts the shooting contest and the fight for the tomahawk. Disney provides transitional information about what happens between the volumes, "Daniel stayed put for five or six years and had two more children, but he never forgot Kentucky, his big dream . . . We'll see how his dream came to fruition, how Daniel gave up almost everything, including his own family, almost, to satisfy his dream."
- Vol. 2 0:03:15 Daniel Chopping Tree and Singing
- Boone sings "And Chase the Buffalo":
Come all you fine, brave neighbors,
Who have a mind to go
To settle in Kentucky
And chase the buffalo.
In some far distant country
Your fortune there will grow
We'll lay upon the banks of blessed Ohio.
All the way from Yadkin Valley
To Kentucky I did go
To rally round the canebrake and shoot the buffalo.
Come all ye old fine fellows,
It's time again to range
To some far distant country
Your fortune there to change.
- Vol. 2 0:03:45 The Boones at Home
- Near the Boone house, James asks about Finley and his wagon. Rebecca recalls how Finley was killed on the journey to Kentucky and notes the arrowhead Daniel wears on his watch fop. As Daniel sings, the kids (James, Israel, Jemima) imitate him and frontier life. Rebecca is noticeably angry with the appeal of Daniel's romanticized vision of frontier life. She is especially angry when the kids join in Daniel's song.
- Vol. 2 0:05:45 Rebecca Senses Another Trip
- Fearing that Daniel is again getting the itching foot, Rebecca curtly says to Daniel:Â "Not again Daniel, please not again."
- Vol. 2 0:06:00 Rebecca and Daniel Discuss Wanderlust, Rebellionists, Kentucky, and Staying Home
- Rebecca recalls Daniel's continual reference to the "strange, new land." As he holds the arrowhead that killed Finley, Rebecca says that Daniel knows only his own suffering but not hers, "You don't remember mine because you weren't there. You never saw one of your children born." Daniel says that he has tried other occupations but hunting is what fits him best. Daniel blames his debts on "them thieving, mealy-mouthed land agents." Rebecca says that Daniel sounds like one of the Rebellionists, a group whose opposition to the government taxation and land restrictions is about to become violent. Because he is able to see his neighbor's chimney, Daniel feels crowded. Rebecca virtually explodes, saying that it seems Daniel is ready to take off to the wilderness again and risk his life, "You're still dreaming about Kentucky, courting it like a man does a woman.  What did you get out of that paradise on earth, Daniel? Two graves: Johnny Stuart's and Mr. Finley's. You've seen all there is to see of Kentucky. Stay home!"
- Vol. 2 0:08:55 Daniel Promises to Stay Home
- Daniel agrees with Rebecca, "Yeah, you're right, Rebecca. There's no need to say any more. They'll never be any other hunting trip to Kentucky. This year or never. Never another hunting trip." Rebecca quotes the Bible, "Man doesn't live by bread alone."
- Vol. 2 0:09:20 Daniel is Susceptible to Breaking His Promise
- Instead of plowing, Daniel leaves the plow and goes hunting. Rebecca shows her disappointment.
- Vol. 2 0:10:25 Rebellionists Seek Boone Support
- Men ride up, looking for Daniel, and speak of Cecil Clabert, a man to be hanged in the village square to serve as an example for the rest of the Rebellionists. The Rebellionists are suspicious of Boone's association with Judge Henderson, the same man who funded Daniel's first trip to Kentucky and also signed the order to hang Clabert. Rebellionists expect Daniel to join them in revolt.
- Vol. 2 0:12:10 Where's Daniel, yet again?
- Rebecca goes to the field to find Daniel, but he's not with his plow; she steams. Meanwhile, Daniel and James are lying in the grass, and Daniel is teaching James to sing. Daniel tells him to sing louder so everything hears him "so big that the beaver will stop building the dam, so the rabbit, the chipmunk, and the red squirrel will all sit up on their hind ends and clap their paws. So's the old mom bear will take notice and give you a wide path.  And you don't have to stick to any words just cause they were written down like that. Listen: 'No more will I go hunting for the pelt of the buffalo. No, I'm gonna settle down on the bank of the old Hio'."
- Vol. 2 0:13:30 James's First Rifle
- Daniel gives James Mr. Finley's rifle.
- Vol. 2 0:14:10 Daniel's New Plan for Kentucky
- Daniel tells James of his plan to take the entire family to Kentucky, though Rebecca doesn't know it yet. James is not to tell.
- Vol. 2 0:14:35 Father-to-Son Lesson, to Think Indian
- Daniel tells James that he must learn to think Indian if he will survive in the Kentucky wilderness, so he will teach James how to do this. He teaches him how to make animal sounds and explains the three reasons to kill: for food, for skins to make your clothes, to protect yourself from wild critters. Daniel adds, "any other killing is bad, like the good book says." Then, he teaches him how to keep his path.
- Vol. 2 0:15:50 Tree Carving
- As James hunts, Daniel carves another inscription in a tree, spreading his history: "D. BOONE GIVE J. BOONE NEW RIFLE HERE 1773" The camera fixes on this. Note that this is not five or six years after Volume I, which took place in 1760. Disney's chronology doesn't make sense.
- Vol. 2 0:17:02 James Hunting
- For a few minutes of film, James hunts in the forest, reciting what Daniel had taught him about animals and keeping his bearings. James accidentally shoots his rifle and hits Daniel's hat. Revealing his confidence in his son, "Yes, you're gonna be a fine woodsman one day."
- Vol. 2 0:23:00 The Plan to Move is Revealed
- Daniel tries to tell Rebecca how difficult plowing was, and Rebecca knows the foolishness of this lie. James lets the plan to move to Kentucky slip out in front of Rebecca.
- Vol. 2 0:24:10 Watkins Barn Burned by British Militia
- A fire in the distance is sighted; the militia is burning Sam Watkins' barn. British militia men are there with a document that reads, "For his known sympathies to the treasonable cause of the Rebellionists and for falsifying his crop reports to the tax collectors, it is ordered that his barn and all its contents by destroyed by fire. Signed His Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina, by Judge Richard Henderson April 2, 1773." Henderson signed on behalf of the Governor.
- Vol. 2 0:25:30 Mordecai's Suspicion & Boone's Call for Elbow Room
- One of the Rebellionist leaders, Mortecai asks if Henderson is Daniel's friend.  Daniel says "He's just a servant of the law, doing what he thinks is his duty." Mortecai says they must be loyal to each other. Mordecai threatens to shoot militia, but Daniel restrains him, saying that fighting isn't the answer. Elbow room is. Boone ignores Mortecai's personal challenge and suggests that the men first build a new barn for Sam Watkins.
- Vol. 2 0:28:05 Squire Questions Daniel
- Squire urges Daniel to acknowledge that he can no longer turn the other cheek and must stop preaching peace. Daniel asserts that violence is against his nature and that either they need to obey the law or move on. Of course, the frontiersman favors moving on.
- Vol. 2 0:29:20 Revolt and Suspicion of Sedition
- The next day on the street outside the town court, Cecil Clabert is about to be hanged. The Governor of North Carolina and Judge Henderson look out the window. Around the pillory, many farmers are gathered and object to the proceedings. British soldiers force them down the pillory steps. Henderson tells the Governor that he is making a judgment error by insisting that the farmer be hanged. The Judge says, "Those men out there are farmers, not criminals. They feel they have a just grievance against the crown. . ." The Governor retorts, "That'll be enough Henderson. I don't want to hear no more about taxes. It's quite obvious that I'm correct; Yadkin Valley is the hotbed of the revolution. What's going on in this country, sir, could lead to general revolt. The flames of sedition must be put out, before they get spread."
- Vol. 2 0:31:20 Governor Takes the Backdoor
- The Governor leaves out back door, for fear of violence. He cops out, "I certainly don't intend to dignify this sordid event by watching it."
- Vol. 2 0:31:30 Daniel Rides Into Town
- Daniel slowly rides into town as the farmers are becoming more uncontrollable. Daniel goes into the crowd and says "This ain't the way."
- Vol. 2 0:32:20 Farmers Storm the Pillory, and Boone Tries to Restrain Them
- Farmers overtake the pillory, and Boone tries to convince Mortecai, Squire, and others to stop the violence. In retribution for the government's mistreatment of the farmers, Mortecai says he will hang a British soldier, tar and feather Henderson, and burn down the courthouse for good measure. Daniel reasons with them, "Building a new courthouse is only gonna add on more taxes." Boone is depicted here as a man of words rather than action.
- Vol. 2 0:33:30 Fight
- Vexed by Boone's repeated attempts to quell the revolt, Mortecai challenges Daniel to a fight in order to settle who has the right to say what's to be done. "No holds barred, tooth or claw." Before the fight, Daniel says that everyone should remember that he is against the fight. They wrestle, and as Boone takes a hard shot, a spectator mocks Boone, "You can't talk your way out of this one, Boone." Complete with kicks, punches, throws, knees, and dizzying twirls, this fight is more brutal than any fight Daniel has with Crow Feather. Daniel wins.
- Vol. 2 0:37:47 Victorious, Boone Speaks to the Masses
- After winning the fight, Daniel climbs the pillory and speaks to the men, "What I got to say is simple. Most of you have heard it before. Our problem, yours and mine, is this. We're just plumb running out of geography. It's a mean, small life when a man's gotta haggle over every foot of ground he works. And quarreling, like we done today, will do about as much good as kicking a hog barefooted." Throughout his speech, he brings great laughter. Daniel invokes Finleyesque hyperbole and images of a Promised Land to paint the dream of Kentucky. The response is overwhelmingly positive. Daniel will leave for Kentucky, and he will lead many others.
- Vol. 2 0:39:20 Rebecca and Daniel Discuss Moving, Rebecca Refuses Boone
- In the privacy of the Boone home, Rebecca expresses her adamant opposition to moving into the Kentucky wilderness. She fears that the loneliness and anxiety that his protracted hunting trips have caused would be multiplied in the wilderness. Despite Daniel's attempts to convince her otherwise, Rebecca is determined to stay home: "For once, Daniel, I will not do what you ask me to . . . The children and I will move in with my folks in town." Daniel says he will still go. The family is split.
- Vol. 2 0:42:57 Morning of Departure
- Outside the Boone home, many families form a sizeable train and ready themselves to begin the journey west over the Warrior's Path and into the Kentucky wilderness. Included are the Clabert and Watkins families, as well as Mortecai. The former Rebellionist has abandoned violent revolt for the prospect of owning a piece of paradise in the strange, new land of Kentucky. Yes, Daniel Boone has pacified and reformed even the most rebellious man. Carrying the arrowhead Finley had given him, Boone will proudly lead the train over the treacherous and Indian-infested mountains.
- Vol. 2 0:44:40 Rebecca and the Kids Huddle
- Mounted on his horse, Daniel looks at his kids and wife huddled by the Boone home. Rebecca turns her head away from his gaze. Boone turns and leads the train off to Kentucky
- Vol. 2 0:45:08 Settlers Proceed
- The settler train is shown from different angles, their oxen slowly pulling their stuffed wagons along the dirt road. The settlers eagerly look forward and smile.
- Vol. 2 0:46:30 Rebecca and the Kids Join the Train
- Here, a settler from the rear of the train rides up to Daniel and tells him to look at who is coming. At this, Rebecca and the kids ride up in Finley's old wagon and join the train. Rebecca cites a Biblical passage to explain why she has changed her mind, "Whither thou goest, I go, Daniel." All smile.
- Vol. 2 0:47:20 Daniel Sings "And Chase the Buffalo"
- As Daniel proudly leads the train, he sings "And Chase the Buffalo."Â The films ends with images of the train progressing over the meandering trails.
- Vol. 2 0:48:00 Credits and Theme Song
- As the credits roll, the "Dan'l Boone" theme song plays.
- Vol. 3
- The title of this volume confuses history. In his introduction, Disney says that the journey represented on film took place in 1773. According to several sources, Bakeless included, the 1773 journey was a failure. The settlers turned back after an Indian attack at the Cumberland Gap, an attack that left sixteen-year-old James Boone, the Boones' oldest child, dead after having been captured and tortured. The journey depicted in the film certainly does not end in failure nor death but in triumph for the Boone family. At the end of Volume Four, the family stands in awe on the Commanding Ridge, marveling at the promised land of the Kentucky wilderness. To call Volume Three "the Wilderness Road" is incorrect for other reasons, as well. The path later called the Wilderness Road was cut during the 1775 expedition, an expedition that ended with founding Boonesborough on the Kentucky River. In the Disney film there is no path cutting. It also seems impossible that the six people who do continue the journey could build a fort in the wilderness, especially when three of the six are children. Additionally, according to Bakeless, the settlers of the 1775 migration experienced no trouble with the Shawnee until they were far west of the Cumberland Mountains and about fifteen miles from what was to become Boonesborough (the approximate location of this attack is present day Richmond). Through much of the journey, Bakeless adds, the settlers didn't even post a sentry or lookout. The film, however, depicts constant difficulty with the Shawnee. This trouble begins as early as one day's travel east of Gass's Trading Post, and although Gass did not actually run a trading post, he did own property near the Clinch River which is well east of the Cumberland Gap. Besides the fact that the Disney film series misrepresents the 1773 attempt to settle as a success, it also confuses the geography in Kentucky history. According to Volume One, the Warrior's Path begins at the Commanding Ridge, when in fact maps indicate the Cumberland Gap. Volume One also indicates that trouble with the natives began at the Commanding Ridge, whereas Volumes Three and Four suggest that the conflict was for the most part finished at the Commanding Ridge. In short, the Disney films select and combine elements from two completely different migrations and, in the process, misconstrue and convolute history, geography, and chronology.
- Vol. 3 0:00:00 Theme Song
- The "Dan'l Boone" theme song plays.
- Vol. 3 0:00:30 Walt Disney's Introduction
- Disney cites our modern vacations as a way for us to satisfy the human yearning for wide open spaces, to get away from it all.  Speaking of 200 years ago, Disney points out that travel then was a test of endurance and courage.  He then goes on to say that in September of 1773*, Boone and some twenty of his neighbors headed west to "an earthly paradise called Kaintuck." Disney is at a loss to explain exactly why they did this but concludes that they had their own reasons that we cannot know for certain. He ends with giving credit to the courageous settlers for civilizing the West: "I can tell you this, if not for people like this, it would have remained wild and primitive and unexplored, and our country couldn't have grown like it did."
*Disney's chronology is questionable, not only because it doesn't agree with its source but also because, according to the film's own chronology as given in the Volume Two introduction, the year of departure should be 1765 or 1766. The span of the seven or eight intervening years is not accounted in the film. This adds to the many other chronological reworkings and inconsistencies.
- Vol. 3 0:01:30 The Train Proceeds, Singing
- This opening scene features Daniel and James leading the caravan and singing "And Chase the Buffalo."Â Â All three Boone kids (James, Jemima, and Israel) are enjoying the ride.
- Vol. 3 0:02:08 Indians! Crow Feather's Band in Pursuit
- The relative peace is interrupted by a speeding wagon being chased by a band of whooping Indians led by Crow Feather. Daniel commands everyone: "form a circle, form a circle, Indians! . . . Hold your fire until they get in range, if they come this close." The settlers shoot at the Indians and scare them off. Boone interprets the event as "a bunch of young bucks" harmlessly causing trouble, dismissing it as nonthreatening. He doesn't seem to recognize Crow Feather as the leader, but very attentive viewers can manage to see him there. This seems to be an attempt at dramatic irony that is apparent only to viewers, like me, who scrutinize the film.
- Vol. 3 0:03:20 Settlers Make Camp, Meet the Yanceys
- Remaining remarkably calm, Boone instructs the settlers to make camp, and he consoles the young couple that was chased by the Indians.  The young travelers introduce themselves as Bud and Maybelle Yancy who have been married but three days. They were trying to catch up to the Boone party. Boone welcomes them to the party and then says to Rebecca, "bride is almost as pretty as you." James is instructed to help set up camp.
- Vol. 3 0:05:10 Mom, What's a Bride?
- Young Israel asks what a bride is and wants to know about marriage. The conversation is as follows:
Israel: What's a bride?
Rebecca: A bride? Oh, she's a young newly married woman.
Israel: How does she get to be a young newly married woman?
Rebecca: Well, she meets up with some nice young man who catches her eye, and he sweet-talks her.
Israel: Like Pa?
Rebecca: Yes, Israel, like your Pa.
Israel obviously recognizes his father as a sweet-talked, as one who can use language to get what he wants. The films firmly uphold this.
- Vol. 3 0:05:35 Nighttime Camp & Finleysque Description of Kentucky
- Around a fire in the nighttime camp, a man asks Daniel whether Kaintuck grass "is honest to goodness blue or another one of yer dern stories." Ignoring the man's request for a candid picture, Boone replies in Finleyesque hyperbole, "Why Doc, I ain't telling a story, why that grass out there is so blue it's like a reflection of the clean winter sky in a pool of deep water. It stands waist high and when that wind leans on it, that sea of grass is like rippling waves as far as the eye can see. Why doc, sometimes I wished I was a horse so's I could get my belly full of grass." They both laugh.
- Vol. 3 0:06:45 Trouble with Newlyweds
- Glancing over at the Yancey wagon, Rebecca sees the newlywed couple quarreling. Crying, Maybelle enters the covered wagon.
- Vol. 3 0:06:50 James Coming into His Own
- Daniel kisses Jemima and Israel, and as he is about to kiss James, his oldest child says, "If I'm big enough to carry a rifle, I'm big enough not to be kissed."Â Daniel, smiling, replies "I guess you got a point there."
- Vol. 3 0:07:15 Rebecca Urges Daniel to Help Reconcile the Newlyweds
- Rebecca observes Bud Yancey making his bed under the wagon. She urges Daniel to approach Bud and help him to see what he did wrong. Rebecca assumes that Bud had caused the rift, an assumption that Daniel reads. Rebecca goes on to make her case, saying that the couple must be frightened and would respect Daniel's fatherly intercession. Daniel is apparently uncomfortable with this role (he is like a kid himself). This discussion threatens to cause a larger disagreement between the Boones. Displaying her own rhetorical skill (sweet-talk), Rebecca says, "They'll be so grateful to you, they'll probably make you godfather to their children." This prompts Boone to take the action that Rebecca wants. Though he feels that he may regret it, Daniel agrees and approaches young Bud Yancey bedded under his wagon.
- Vol. 3 0:09:05 Daniel and Bud Yancey Discuss Women
- Daniel approaches Bud and talks to him about women: "Woman's usually at the bottom of a man's trouble . . . It's easy to solve a lovers' quarrel, just say you're sorry and your trouble's over . . . You just listen to your uncle Dan'l. He'll show you how to make a woman think she's won a victory."
- Vol. 3 0:10:10 The Yanceys' Truth Comes Out
- Daniel continually pressures Bud to climb back into the wagon, which he reluctantly does. Maybelle screams and tells him to get out, saying, "This man is not my husband." The truth about Bud and Maybelle comes out. They want to get married but have been forbidden. They are running away to get married and start a life together. Not certain what he should do otherwise, Daniel sternly commands Bud to sleep under the wagon, which is, of course, what he was going to do in the first place.
- Vol. 3 0:12:20 Daniel Returns to Rebecca
- Daniel reports to Rebecca about the trouble with the Yanceys. She asks him what he is going to do about it. He grows angry at this, saying that he will let the folks decide the outcome when they arrive at Gass's Trading Post tomorrow night.  Rebecca wants them to be married: "Daniel, she'd make a lovely bride in my wedding dress." Daniel's tone changes as he looks at her with desire and says, "Not half as lovely as you, Mrs.Boone." They kiss. Now I ask, which Boone is in charge here?  Rebecca seems to work Daniel over pretty well, and ironically this inverts what Daniel had earlier said to Bud Yancey, "[I'll] show you how to make a woman think she's won a victory."
- Vol. 3 0:13:35 Gass's Trading Post & Yancey Marriage
- The next day, the settlers are at Gass's Trading Post somewhere in the wilderness along The Wilderness Road. Apparently the Quaker Meeting has decided that the youngsters can be married. As the head of this Quaker community, Daniel performs the marriage ceremony, although he says he doesn't really recall the words. Daniel offers his own explanation of what marriage is.
- Vol. 3 0:17:20 Wedding Celebration
- The folks commence to celebrate the wedding with dancing, food, and a little whiskey. Daniel asks Rebecca to dance. She is crying because she was so happy to hear what he had said about marriage. All dance. Even James eyes up a Watkins girl who agrees to dance with him. A little displeased with the situation, Jemima says that Israel won't dance with her. Obviously, Israel isn't ready to sweet-talk his sister or any girl. He'd rather keep flies off the food.
- Vol. 3 0:19:55 Rebecca and Mortecai High-step
- Rebecca and Mortecai end the night's festivities with a long, high-spirited dance.
- Vol. 3 0:20:20 When Does the Honeymoon Start?
- The newlyweds are quite bored and want to get on with the honeymoon. Daniel embarrasses the couple by shouting, "Bud, in case I didn't tell ya, you don't have to sleep under the wagon tonight." All roar in laughter. The couple gets up and leaves, smiling nervously.
- Vol. 3 0:21:20 Warning and Shivaree
- Daniel warns everyone to be on the watch at night, for fear of Indian raid. The Quakers grab makeshift noisemakers and perform a shivaree for the newlyweds. The mock serenade is a rollicking good time for all and a lively tradition among these people. The term "shivaree" is a variation of the French term "chavari," most likely picked up from the early French traders and settlers in the North and along the Mississippi River. In the mid-Atlantic colonies the term "belling" was used and in the South Atlantic the simple term "serenade" was also used.
- Vol. 3 0:22:30 Indian Raid
- At sunrise the next day a band of Shawnee warriors led by Crow Feather raids the trading post. Approaching the post, the Indians communicate with bird whistles. The raid commences after a dead settler is found. In the early stages of the raid, the Yancey wagon is shot with a flaming arrow.  Then the screaming Indians charge the post. Maybelle is injured. Both sides suffer lost lives. It is noteworthy that one settler's death is drawn out and dramatically portrayed, apparently to elicit viewer sympathy, while Indian deaths are quickly glossed over. James Boone kills two Indians (his first kills) but then is taken captive and hauled away as the attack ends. Other women must hold Rebecca back as she struggles to chase after James.
- Vol. 3 0:27:40 Daniel Sets Out to Rescue His Son
- Daniel sets out to find and rescue James from the clutches of Crow Feather. Gass accompanies Daniel to guide Boone.
- Vol. 3 0:28:10 Crow Feather's Renegade Indian Band is Found
- Boone and Gass find Indians by a stream holding James and removing their warpaint, which, according to Gass, signifies that they are trying to hide the attack from Chief Blackfish. The chief does not approve of nor did he order the raid. The peace has been broken. According to Gass, Crow Feather is "meaner than a she-bear at cubbin' time." The Indians depart for their village, and Boone and Gass follow.
- Vol. 3 0:30:25 Gass as an Emissary to Shawnee Village, Blackfish Issues Another Warning (Warning #3)
- Locating the Shawnee village, Boone remains behind as Gass goes to speak as an emissary to the Shawnee. Entering the Shawnee village, Gass tells Blackfish that the peace has been broken. Crow Feather offers his version, citing the fact that Blackfish had told the Long Knives to stay away but they disobeyed Blackfish (Can we dispute this?).  The chief says that Boone must finally leave Kentucke for good or Crow Feather will keep Boone's son, "to adopt, to sell, to do as he pleases, it is tribal law."
- Vol. 3 0:33:15 Gass Returns to Boone
- Gass tells Boone what Blackfish had said, and Boone says the decision to return to North Carolina would be easy if it were just his own family, but Boone says, "It's the other folks I'm thinking about, folks like the Watkins. They've sold their farms, They've given up everything to settle in Kaintuck." Captain Gass says that he doesn't trust Crow Feather either. Daniel agrees and says he has no choice but to turn back. Just as Boone says this, however, they see something that changes the plan.
- Vol. 3 0:34:00 Boone and Gass Kidnap Little Black Bird
- Captain Gass sees Crow Feather's boy, Little Black Bird, hunting. He knows the boy because he's one of his "best sweets customers." This gives us a better sense of how the Indians participate in the frontier economy and colonial commerce. Boone kidnaps Little Bird to make a trade with Crow Feather, "eye for an eye, boy for a boy," Boone says. Notice how Boone's allusion conflicts with his rejection of the same Old Testament precept in I 39:00.
- Vol. 3 0:35:05 Boone Enters Shawnee Village to Trade Boy for a Boy
- Boone and Gass discuss their plan. Gass will hold Little Black Bird in the woods. Boone will go to the village, tell the chief that he has an Indian hostage, and discuss the terms of the trade. When the agreement is made, he will signal to Gass to release Little Bird. Upon seeing Boone approach, Crow Feather says, "He comes crawling, begging for the life of his son." Boone responds, "I come walking, Crow Feather. It's you who comes crawling at break of day to attack sleeping women and children."  Boone has come to make a deal with the serpent Crow Feather. To seal the deal, Daniel demands Crow Feather's word and Blackfish's word because he trusts Blackfish not Crow Feather. The agreeement is made and Gass is signalled to release Little Black Bird.
- Vol. 3 0:37:05 James Boone is Released, Wearing Feathers
- Having been informally adopted by the Indian boys, James wears a feather as he emerges from a teepee. James has obviously enjoyed his stay in the Shawnee village. That this is in stark contrast to the fact that he had killed two Indians earlier doesn't register with James.
- Vol. 3 0:38:03 Blackfish Issues Another Warning (Warning #4)
- Obeying the agreed terms, Blackfish says to Boone, "I promise you safety back to the Capt's Trading Post. If you go back to Caroline, all will be well. If you choose to go on, I cannot answer for your safety."
- Vol. 3 0:38:40 Boodbyes Exchanged Between Indian Boy and Settler Boy
- As the boys part, Little Black Bird says, "Good bye, little Shatoowa" (spelling?) and smiles. James also smiles as he says, "Good bye, Little Black Bird."  Other Indian boys smile on the situation as well. Crow Feather stares angrily at them.
- Vol. 3 0:38:50 James the Tender Foot
- James, Boone, and Gass rest on a log on their way back to the trading post. James refers to his cut feet, not being accustomed to life without shoes. Daniel says he is proud of his son for standing up to the Indians. He asks what his Indian name means. James says, "Little Wire," adding that this would have been his name after being adopted into the tribe. Daniel invites him to ride piggy back: "That's a good name for you. Well, climb aboard, Shatoowa. We'll give your feet a rest." Daniel tells Gass to go ahead of them and announce their arrival. They will be travelling slow because of James's wounded feet.
- Vol. 3 0:39:30 Crow Feather Attacks Boone Camp, Boone and Crow Feather Fight (#2)
- Crow Feather sneaks up on the Boone camp and tomahawks their stuffed beds. Daniel and James emerge from forest cover; they had obviously anticipated Crow Feather's attempt at vengeance. Daniel says, "Lookin' for me?" Crow Feather tells Daniel to drop his gun and they will fight hand-to-hand. Boone remarks that he doesn't want to kill Crow Feather but will if Crow Feather forces him to do so. The Indian says one of them must die, "Shoot or I will kill you." Boone pulls the trigger, but the rifle doesn't fire. Crow Feather attacks, and they fight. Again, the advantage shifts a few times as they fight. Boone repeatedly punches the Indian and defeats him. Crow Feather says, "Better kill me, Long Knife. I will try again." Boone refuses to kill Crow Feather but will return the Indian to Blackfish for breaching the truce he was promised. Boone uses this opportunity to teach James a lesson, not to forget to load his gun.
- Vol. 3 0:45:10 Daniel Returns Crow Feather to Blackfish, Another Warning is Issued (Warning #5)
- Boone accuses Blackfish of speaking with a crooked tongue. Blackfish says that Crow Feather had acted on his own will and will be severely punished for bringing dishonor to the tribe. Blackfish reaffirms his pledge for peace with the settlers, if they go back home. With this, the chief extends his hand to shake. Boone says, "I can't shake with you, chief 'cause I'm not going back. There's a big, new land out there called Kaintuck. It's big enough for you and me and a million others to live on in peace, if you want it that way."  This, of course, puts the burden of peace on the Indians rather than the settlers who will displace the Indians from their land.
- Vol. 3 0:46:30 Return to Trading Post
- All the settlers welcome the Boones back and get ready to roll on. Neither Boone mentions the most recent clash with Crow Feather and Blackfish. Apparently James has learned not to tell such things. Here, remember how in Volume II he betrayed his father by telling Rebecca about Daniel's plan to settle Kentucky.
- Vol. 3 0:47:15 Wagon Train Proceeds on Wilderness Road
- The wagon train proceeds along the Wilderness Road. The Boones lead the train and sing the following verse from "And Chase the Buffalo":
Come all you fine, brave neighbors,
Who have a mind to go
To settle in Kentucky
And chase the buffalo.
In some far distant country
Your fortune there will grow
We'll lay upon the banks of blessed Ohio.
- Vol. 3 0:48:00 Credits and Theme Song
- As the credits roll, the "Dan'l Boone" theme song plays.
- Vol. 4 0:00:00 Theme Song
- Vol. 4 0:00:12 Walt Disney Reviews Volumes One Through Three and Introduces the Fourth and Final Volume
- Pointing to an old map, Walt Disney provides a narrative historical context for the series as a whole and furnishes viewers with a summation of the first three volumes. This narrative affords Disney a perfect opportunity to say that the production contains fictional elements and does rewrite history; he could say, for example, that the journey depicted is not historically accurate or that Crow Feather is a completely fictional character. Disney, however, ignores the opportunity and neglects the responsibility. Disney's summation ends, "Fairly beaten and thus humiliated before his own people, Crow Feather swore his vengeance against the invading Daniel Boones [Yes, the plural: Boones]. Years later as Boone was leading his family and a group of his neighbors and friends to this great virgin land, he found that his old enemy had neither forgiven nor forgotten. It was Crow Feather who led the treacherous attack on Gass's Trading Post, in violation of the truce guaranteed by his own people.* The story you are about to see is titled The Promised Land. It is the story of the many who started out in pursuit of a dream and of the few who saw it through."
*Note how even Disney forgets to mention that the truce that both Boone and Blackfish agreed to in Volume One stipulated that if Boone returned to Kentucky, he would essentially be risking the lives of anyone who accompanied him.
- Vol. 4 0:03:26 Boone Leads Wagon Train on the Wilderness Path
- Leading the train, Boone sings "And Chase the Buffalo." He continues singing as he helps wagons pass through deep mud. He reassures Mr. Woody that they are not lost but headed in the right direction.
- Vol. 4 0:04:24 Maybelle Yancey Sings
- Boone moves to the back of the train and checks on Maybelle Yancey who is lying down in the wagon recovering from her injury. She says she is o.k. They then begin to sing "And Chase the Buffalo" together.
- Vol. 4 0:04:37 Boone Returns to the Front of the Train and Sings
- Boone returns to his place in front of the train and leads folks in singing "And Chase the Buffalo."Â The entire train now knows the song (as do film viewers!).
- Vol. 4 0:05:10 View from Mountain Looking on Wagon Train in Valley
- This view of the wagon train from afar seems to be from the perspective of Indians, but this is not clear.
- Vol. 4 0:05:15 No More Wagons, Folks
- Boone and Mortecai spread the word that only the horses can make a part of the journey ahead of them. Mortecai, formerly Boone's rival, is Boone's righthand man, having been charmed and converted by Boone's goodwill.
- Vol. 4 0:05:25 Look for Indian Signs
- The warning goes out among the settlers, "Look for signs, Indian signs."Â They make camp for the night.
- Vol. 4 0:05:40 An Indian Storm is Brewing
- Boone tells Rebecca that a storm is brewing, i.e. Indians are nearby and may attack. He tells Rebecca to "start sorting the stuff you're gonna take with you. This is as far as the wagons can go."
- Vol. 4 0:06:00 Disgruntled Settlers
- Having been told that they can take only what they and the horses can carry, the travelers express their disdain for the thought of leaving so much behind. Daniel says they can retrieve other items after settling in Kentucky. For now they must prepare to cross the Warrior's Path. One woman says, "No, I won't do it . . . But we need everything, else we wouldn'ta brang it." Mr. Woody and another man quarrel over why they brought oxen rather than horses. Oxen can't make the difficult ascent. One man calls Mr. Woody "a land grabber," and Mr. Woody corrects him, "Land Speculator, if you please, [he spits]."
- Vol. 4 0:07:10 Maybelle Yancey Speaks in Finleyesque Hyperbole
- Fearing they are in peril and that the dream is empty, Bud Yancey wants to take Maybelle back to North Carolina to see a doctor. He fears that Kentucky will offer them nothing. As Boone approaches to check on Maybelle again, Maybelle refutes Bud by imitating Boone's Finleyesque description of Kentucky: "There is a new land. An ocean of flowers, like Mr. Boone said, more beautiful than any white man's ever seen before. And a sea of grass as blue as a mountain lake and so deep that the deer and buffalo can hide from a hunter's gun. A magic land richer than a plow's ever turned, just waiting. It is like that, isn't it, Mr. Boone?"
- Vol. 4 0:08:10 Rebecca Rebukes Daniel
- As Daniel and Rebecca decide which things to take with them over the mountain, Daniel is rather dejected about the hesitation and fear he has observed in the others. Rebecca tells Daniel that his power of persuasion is what brought them this far; he can't fault them for listening to him: "And most of them would turn back now if you'd stop filling their ears with wild tales of Kentucke." Boone asserts that he knows what the people really want but can't see: " Rebecca, you just don't understand. These folks wanna go on, they just don't see it big enough alone, that's all."
- Vol. 4 0:08:55 Man Struck Dead by an Indian Arrow
- A man from the train screams and falls to the ground with an arrow in his back. Boone tells settlers to circle wagons and make camp as he ventures out to scout aroung the woods. James sneaks out of the camp and surprises Daniel, saying he could have shot him. Daniel praises him for a good job, but tells him to go back. James insists that he's big enough to scout, and Daniel agrees.
- Vol. 4 0:10:30 Crow Feather Throws Tomahawk
- A tomahawk narrowly misses Daniel and strikes a nearby tree. James identifies the tomahawk as Crow Feather's. Daniel says, "I beat him once in a fair fight. He won't rest till he kills me." Boone calls out to Crow Feather, challenging him to show himself. Daniel wants to make a deal with him. Refusing a deal, Crow Feather tells Boone that he has lost face with his people. He warns Boone that he will never make it to Kentucke, "I'll trail you by day, watch you by night, until I kill you." As Boone and James return to camp, Boone tells James not to tell the others.
- Vol. 4 0:12:20 All Night Watch
- Although ignorant of Crow Feather's threat, the men keep an all-night watch for an Indian attack. The circled wagons help their position. Rebecca consoles Maybelle who sobs. James tells Boone that he wants to join the watch, and Boone permits him. The Indians hiding in the woods give off hooting signals.
- Vol. 4 0:15:20 An Exhausted Camp
- The next morning arrives and finds the settlers exhausted from the all-night watch. Realizing that they are very vulnerable, they expect the Indians to attack soon.
- Vol. 4 0:16:25 Crow Feather Creeps
- Crow Feather and a small band of Shawnee creep through the brush to gain a position on the circled wagons.
- Vol. 4 0:16:40 Boone Tells Settlers to Remain Steadfast on the Watch
- When one settler doubts that the Indians are nearby, Boone assures him that the Indians are indeed watching closely, just waiting for the settlers to break camp. Boone says, "I know Crow Feather."
- Vol. 4 0:17:00 Bud Yancey Grows Foolhardy
- Despite Daniel's warning, Bud decides to fetch water for Maybelle. Bud says he has taken enough orders from Boone for a night and storms off out of the circled wagons. As soon as he hits the clearing, an Indian shoots Bud in the leg and suddenly a volley of shots begins. Bud picks off an Indian up in a tree.
- Vol. 4 0:17:50 Don't Shoot at Nothin' and Indians Drop
- Settlers fire in the forest. Knowing that their ammunition is limited and precious, Boone commands, "Don't shoot at nothin'. Wait until you got a target."  When the time is right, James shoots and kills an Indian (his third). Daniel shoots an Indian from a tree. Bud and others join in on the kill.
- Vol. 4 0:19:40 Indians Scatter and Retreat
- The Indians suddenly scatter out of sight. Boone warns the settlers to remain wary.
- Vol. 4 0:20:30 Blackfish Approaches and Issues Yet Another Warning (Warning #6)
- Led by Blackfish and a white flag, the Indians ride up. Blackfish tells Boone that he did not send the renegade band but that Crow Feather has been banished from the tribe and is now an outlaw. Blackfish is certain that Crow Feather fled because he saw Blackfish approaching. Here it seems that Blackfish saves Boone's life again. Boone says he is glad to have Blackfish on his side. Blackfish reminds Boone that they are not brothers and that Boone is trespassing on Indian hunting ground. He must turn back, "My people will fight for what is theirs. [Speaks to all settlers] Hear me, Listen to me. Gather your women and children and turn back. My braves will see you safely to Gass's Trading Posts."
- Vol. 4 0:22:05 Settlers Question the Expedition and Many Will Turn Back
- Settlers offer various opinions about their situation and most admit they are ready to turn back. They level sharp criticism at Boone. Invoking Finleyesque hyperbole, Boone engages in a conversation with Sarah (Watkins?):
Sarah: Better go to waste than be our grave. You heard the chief. If we go on it'll be the end of us.
Boone: Not the end, Sarah. The beginning. This country of ours is like a growing youngster, just busting out at the seams. [moves to Blackfish and a look of worry on his face] It needs elbow room, breathing space. There's a land out there bigger than all the thirteen colonies put together. Just waiting like a ripe melon to be opened and enjoyed.
Man: You're a fool chasing fool's gold. You'll come to no good end.
Many settlers accept Blackfish's escort back to the trading post.
- Vol. 4 0:23:40 Boone Will Continue, Blackfish Issues Another Warning (Warning #7)
- Although many of his people have decided to abandon the expedition, Boone is determined to continue on.
Blackfish: Boone, you will make Kentucke a Dark and Bloody Battleground.
Boone: It don't have to be. Kentucke's big enough for all of us.
James: I'll go with you, Pa.
- Vol. 4 0:24:10 Rebecca Refuses Daniel and Belittles His Foolish Dream
- Rebecca states a strong refusal of Boone: "If not for your own sake, then for your children. Give up this foolish dream and turn back before it's too late." Boone doesn't want to return to debt and sharecropping. She points to their scattered furniture and exclaims, "What do we have now? Look! The sum total of our married life! And all because of this foolish dream of yours!" Rebecca refuses to listen to Daniel any more.
- Vol. 4 0:25:20 Boone Concedes But Wishes to Dream Just a Moment More
- Boone finally concedes to Rebecca and agrees that his love for his wife and children exceeds that of his dream. He goes on to say that his dream was a good dream, enraptured once again in Finleyesque hyperbole: "It wasn't really a dream, it was just so beautiful it just seemed like one. A sea of grass of flowers and the land so rich, the poorest acre made a man feel like a king." He continues with images of a new colony and nation.
- Vol. 4 0:26:48 Rebecca is Swept Away by Boone's Words and Claims Kentucky as Their New Home
- Once again, Boone's poetic description persuades Rebecca's better judgment, and she claims Kentucky their new home. Daniel is elated, and Rebecca cites Biblical text to justify her mind: "In sickness and in health, wherever thou goest, I goest Daniel. I made a vow, remember. Please, help me not to forget it."
- Vol. 4 0:27:40 Mortecai as Guide
- Mortecai will guide returning settlers to the Gass Trading Post and then will return to the Boones. Following Boone's markings, he will be led to the cave where Boone and John Stuart and Boone and Squire had hid during their hunting excursions earlier.
- Vol. 4 0:28:00 Boone Sings "And Chase the Buffalo"
- Boone sings and the train moves slowly on toward Kentucky.
- Vol. 4 0:28:20 Crow Feather is Abandoned by Renegades
- At the same time that Boone is abandoned so is Crow Feather abandoned by most of his men. The renegades have tired of living apart from their people. Crow Feather says he too is tired of being an outcast but won't return until Boone is dead.
- Vol. 4 0:29:30 Boone Train Finalley Reaches Warrior's Path
- Reaching a summit, the train stops so Daniel can show Rebecca the Warrior Path. She says it's beautiful. They all sing "And Chase the Buffalo."
- Vol. 4 0:32:20 River Crossing And Attack
- The treacherous path leads them to cross a narrow river. As they cross, an arrow flies by and gun shots ring out. A few horses run away from the party. Only the Boone family and Mr. Woody remain, with four horses. Crow Feather stands on the opposite side of the river and swears vengeance on Boone. James shoots and kills an Indian (his fourth kill) but loses his rifle near the water.
- Vol. 4 0:34:05 Hideout Cave, "Double-dealin' Varmint"
- The Boones and a couple others reach the cave and keep watch for activity. James wants to return to the river and retrieve his rifle. Daniel forbids him to go. They need more bullets, so Daniel thinks how they can possibly melt some metal for this purpose. James asks Rebecca for her permission to retrieve his rifle, and she says no. Boone gets the money box from Mr. Woody and looks for coins to be melted for bullets. Finding little money left, he shouts to Woody, "Of all the mean, lowdown, double-dealin' varmints, you are the worst!" He attacks and starts to choke Woody. Evidently Woody had sold the lead for a few gold coins, apparently striking a deal with the Indians or the trading post and thereby depleting their precious ammunition. James suggests they make bullets out of gold coins. Boone agrees that this is a good idea. They commence about this task.
- Vol. 4 0:36:40 James Sneaks Out to Retrieve Rifle
- At night, James restlessly tosses in his sleep. He waits until Daniel falls asleep at the watch post. He wakes Boone and says his mom told him to relieve the watch. Daniel settles into his blanket and James sneaks off to retrieve his rifle.
- Vol. 4 0:39:50 Crow Feather Chases James
- At the stream, James finds his rifle. Also, he finds Crow Feather standing over him. James screams and runs with Crow Feather close behind. James screams again, stops behind a tree, and then darts off again. Having run in a circle, he gets his rifle and shoots one of the Indians. In the cave, Daniel hears the shot and discovering that his boy is missing, he runs for the river. Crow Feather lifts his tomahawk to kill James. James screams, "Pa!"
- Vol. 4 0:42:50 Boone Finds James's Body
- Daniel approaches and finds James. Because his head is hidden like John Stuart's mangled head had been hidden from the camera in Volume I, we may assume that James has been scalped.
- Vol. 4 0:43:00 Boone Chases Crow Feather and They Fight (Fight #3)
- Boone leaves James and runs off after Crow Feather. At one time, Crow Feather tauntingly shouts from woods, "I'm waiting for you." He leaps from a tree and jumps on Boone. They wrestle, ferociously struggling to reach Crow Feather's tomahawk. Yet again the advantage shifts back and forth a few times. Crow Feather has Daniel by the neck and begins to strangle him. As he lifts the tomahawk to deal the death blow to Daniel's head, a shot rings out and strikes Crow Feather dead. Blackfish holds the smoking rifle and has saved Boone's life once again.
- Vol. 4 0:45:40 Boone Thanks Blackfish for Saving His Life, Blackfish Warns Him Again (Warning #8)
- Boone is grateful for Blackfish's fine shot, and he thanks the chief.
Boone: Much obliged, chief.
Blackfish: I did not kill him to save your life, Boone. But because he deserved to die. If you are wise, you will turn around and forget Kaintuck.
Boone: And if I don't.
Blackfish: The dangers are many. You go at your own risk. (He leaves.)
- Vol. 4 0:46:10 Back at the Cave, James in Nursed
- When Daniel returns to the cave, he finds James will be o.k., provided he is given the necessary care. James asks whether Daniel had killed Crow Feather. Daniel says no but tells him that Crow Feather will never be coming back. Daniel smoothly hides the facts from his boy. Boone assures James that they will go on to Kentucky as planned.
- Vol. 4 0:47:05 At Commanding Ridge
- This scene opens with the inscription Daniel had carved in 1760 with John Finley: "Here is Good Land Boys D. Boone."  With his family, Mortecai, and Mr. Woody by his side, Daniel says, "There she be folks, Kentucke. She'll take a thousand men with a thousand dreams and still be hardly touched.  (To Rebecca) Ain't it everything I said it was?" Rebecca says, "Everything, Daniel, everything."
- Vol. 4 0:47:45 The Final Image
- The series' final image is a view of Kentucky from the Commanding Ridge.
- Vol. 4 0:48:00 Credits Roll and Theme Song
- As we have come to expect, the "Dan'l Boone" theme song plays as the credits roll.