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0:00:01 Film Start: Opening Credits
The film opens on June 17, 1972, the night of the second break-in by the plumbers at the Watergate Hotel. The burglars are watching a sales training film that Howard Hunt rented since the men, who are actually about to break into the Democratic National Headquarters, are posing as sales executives. Gordon Liddy and Frank Sturgis are also present. The scene ends with a radio report announcing the capture of the burglars, and General Alexander Haig walking through the dark halls of the Executive Mansion.
0:00:21 Understanding the truth
Director's Note appears: "This film is an attempt to understand the truth of Richard Nixon, 37th President of the Unites States. It is based on numerous public sources and on an incomplete public record. In consideration of length, events and characters have been condensed, and some scenes among protagonists have been conjectured."
0:00:32 Profit?
Quote appears: "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" -The Book of Matthew.
0:00:41 Selling yourself
(Black & White) 16 mm United States Dept. of Labor sales training film. A sales manager, Bob, is instructing Earl. Bob: "Sure you've got a great product, Earl. But you have to remember what you're really selling. Yourself."
0:01:26 Nixon
Shot of the projector lens with film title "Nixon."
0:01:32 Watergate Hotel
Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and other men watching film and drinking. Title appears, "June 17, 1972." Then: "The Watergate Hotel." Gordon Liddy provides directions to the burglars and warns them if anything goes wrong to come back to their hotel rooms. Howard Hunt comments that if anything goes wrong, he will be going to the President of the United States.
0:02:36 Sincerity
Cut back to sales film -- Bob: "And remember Earl, always look 'em in the eye. (Turns to camera) Nothing sells like sincerity."
0:02:55 Captured
(Voiceover) Radio report announces the capture of the burglars, over shots of a dark room, with sounds of doors slamming: "Five men wearing surgical gloves and business suits, and carrying cameras and electronic surveillance equipment, were arrested early today in the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington. They were unarmed. Nobody knows yet why they were there or what they were looking for." Interspersed with mug shots of the Watergate burglars.
0:03:20 Haig
Title appears, "December, 1973" --then "18 months later." We see the Executive Mansion through ominous thick black, iron bars and a limousine pulls up with General Alexander Haig.
0:04:26 More Haig
Haig walks through the dark corridors of the White House with a manilla envelope in his hands. Radio v.o. announces sentencing for Watergate.
0:04:55 And yet more Haig
As Haig walks through the Mansion, we hear an audio montage of radio broadcasts fade in and out, or blend together, interspersed with shots of newspaper headlines.
0:06:08 No pistol
Haig and President Richard Nixon meet in the Lincoln Room to discuss the tapes. Haig advises Nixon to make more appearances before the American public, but Nixon feel that this will make him appear "pathetic" before the people. Nixon is showing the effects of anxiety and sleeplessness, and he cannot get his tape recorder to work. Nixon makes a reference to suicide. Haig puts the tape in for him and leaves the room. Nixon listens to a conversation on the tape (slightly inaudible) where we hear him briefed by Haldeman about the tapes.
0:06:30 Cocksucker
Nixon drops tape and exclaims "cocksucker!"
0:07:30 Our side of the story
Nixon tells Haig that if J. Edgar Hoover were alive, then the tapes would never have gotten out. Nixon tells Haig about "never getting our side of the story out" as the camera cuts to a shot of Lincoln's painting.
0:08:20 More listening
Haig leaves Nixon listening to his tapes. Nixon takes a swig of scotch and plays tapes.
0:08:54 Staff meeting
Title appears: "June, 1972, President's Private Office, 18 Months Later." Nixon in a meeting with his aides in the Executive Office Building. They discuss Martha Mitchell, and then Nixon is told that Watergate burglar Howard Hunt has been connected to the White House since "Chappaquidick." Cuts to footage of Ted Kennedy and a bridge with a hole in the railing. Haldeman establishes Hunt's association with Chuck Colson and says that he was an active member of the "plumbers," breaking into Bremmer's apartment after Wallace was attacked to plant McGovern's campaign literature. [Footage of Wallace's assasination cuts in]. Nixon questions his approval of the Ellsburg break-in.
0:11:48 Hunt
(Black &White) Flashback to Hunt ???? stealing Pentagon Papers
0:12:00 Paying Hunt off
Nixon tells his aides to pay Howard Hunt for his "silence."
0:13:34 Ellsburg
Nixon talks about taping conversations. Denies approving the Ellsburg break-in
0:14:47 Comedy of errors
Nixon refers to Watergate as a "comedy of errors."
0:15:12 The 18-minute gap
Title appears "Lincoln Room --18 Months later." President Nixon, listening to his tapes, refers to "Bay of Pigs." Director Stone fabricates what is on the 18-minute gap.
0:15:57 Medication
Nixon drops medication bottle and pills and fumbles on the floor for them.
0:16:14 Stolen fair and square
This section covers Nixon's early political career. The scene opens with the Kennedy-Nixon debates that were extremely influential in Kennedy's victory in the 1960 presidential election. Nixon and his advisors suggest that Kennedy "stole" the election. Title appears "1960 Nixon vs. Kennedy." Televised debate between Nixon and John F. Kennedy (Footage of the latter B&W). Cuts to shot of control room where we see Nixon's wife Pat, Herb Klein, his press secretary, and Murray Chotiner, Nixon's campaign manger.
0:17:57 Training
Nixon argues with what appears to be a stand-in Kennedy.
0:18:20 Kennedy's inauguration
Footage of Kennedy Inauguration.
0:18:25 It's over
Flashback to debates. Nixon fumbling for a response. Back in the control room, Haldeman announces "it's over."
0:18:56 Recount?
Discussion of Kennedy's win. Nixon and his friends demand a recount.
0:19:30 Pat cries
Pat cries in the bathroom. Footage of Kennedy interspersed.
0:20:09 The personality problem
Herb Klein, after reading derogatory comments about Nixon by Harry S. Truman, tells him "that's what killed us Dick. It's not Cuba. It's a personality problem." Nixon says that his loss is related to his class position. Chotiner advises against contesting the elections, saying "they stole it fair and square."
0:21:08 Pat and Dick: on losing
Pat trying to comfort Nixon after his loss to Kennedy. Nixon then starts remembering his father and childhood. We are introduced to Nixon's childhood and family in California: the grocery store the family worked together, dinner time, and other moments. We are introduced to his parents, Hannah and Frank, and brothers Harold, Arthur, and Donald. Nixon's mother is characterized as a devout Quaker, and his father a stern, but failed man. Nixon is shown as having a particularly strong and devoted relationship with his mother.
0:21:27 A failure
Conversation between Nixon and Pat. Nixon tells her that he feels like a father who was a failure.
0:23:32 Childhood
Title appears "1925." Then "Whittier, California." (B&W) Flashback to Yorba Linda, California. Nixon's Childhood.
0:25:00 Hannah Nixon
Conversation between Nixon and his mother, Hannah Nixon. She has caught him receiving a corn silk cigarette from his older brother Harold. She threatens to tell his father, but Richard begs her not to. Hannah Nixon: "You may fool the world, even thy father, but you'll never fool me." Richard (response): "Mother, think of me always as your faithful dog."
0:27:02 A little man
Nixon's Childhood, continued. (Black & White) Family Dinner. Hannah tells Richard to say grace.
0:28:50 Frank Nixon
Nixon's father, Frank, interrupts and says that he will do it, and tells his sons, "When you quit struggling, they've beaten you."
0:29:15 Football in college
Title appears, "1930-1934, Whittier College." Reenactment of Nixon's participation on the Whittier College football team. Nixon described as a tackling dummy.
0:30:00 Brown vs. Nixon
Title appears, "1962, Brown vs. Nixon." Footage and re-enactments of Nixon's political battle for the Governor's seat in California.
0:30:19 Marriage on the rocks
Nixon loses election to Pat Brown and blames Fidel Castro. Pat criticizes him for his pettiness and self-pity. This scene sets-up the Nixon marriage as troubled by Nixon's political career.
0:31:00 Drowning out Pat
Nixon sits at piano with drink and begins playing in an effort to drown out Pat's voice.
0:32:00 Pat leaving?
Pat tells Nixon she wants to leave him. He responds, 'This is just what they want, Buddy."
0:34:25 Courtship
(Black & White) A beautiful flashback showing the Nixon's courtship, wedding, honeymoon, and first child. Particularly moving because of the music of John Williams. Nixon tells Pat that she "was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen," and he does "not want to lose her, ever." Pat tells him that they can be happy together if he drops his political aspirations.
0:36:45 The promise
Nixon tells Pat: "I'll never run again, I promise. I love you Buddy, I love you."
0:37:02 Last press conference
Title appears, "1962 Beverly Hilton, Press Conference." Nixon delivers what he believes will be his last press conference. This section highlights Nixon's career through a 16 mm film that treats Nixon's career as "political history that is now over"--a good summary for students (Hamburg 137). However, it mixes both footage and re-enactments. For example, the Checkers speech is transcribed word for word but delivered by Anthony Hopkins as Nixon, after which we see him spliced into footage with Eisenhower. It flashes forward to a New York City cocktail party, where Nixon meets Nelson John Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, and the possibility of a political return are suggested to him.
0:38:45 No more Nixon to kick around
Nixon tells the press, "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore."
0:39:15 Surveying his career
16mm film that recreates and tracks Nixon's political career, including his involvement with HUAC and the trial of Alger Hiss.
0:41:58 The Checkers speech
Checkers speech. The newsreel-like film announces in v.o. "It was a great story of its time, and, in California where it started, it has come to a crashing end. It is too bad in a way, because the truth is, we never knew who Richard Nixon really was. And now that he is gone, we never will..."
0:43:08 Martha Mitchell
Title appears, "1963 N.Y." Martha Mitchell, John Mitchell's wife, makes fun of Nixon (00:44:15). Martha: "But where I come from, Dick Nixon is as misunderstood as a fox in a hen house -- and do you know why? Because my darlin; they don't think your smile and your face are ever in the same place at the same time." When he tries to walk away, she says, "I just think he's frightened by my charm."
0:45:31 Back in the arena
Meeting with Nelson (John) Rockefeller, governor of New York, told he should consider running. Nixon says he misses "making love to the people" and the "pure acting of it." He adds, "I've got to get back in the arena."
0:46:10 Much in demand
Nixon meets several sleazy Texas fat cats who try to convince him that not only should he run again, but they can guarantee Kennedy will not be a problem in the '64 presidential election. Kennedy is assassinated; Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as president but refuses to run in the '64 election.
0:46:10 Several seductions
Title appears, "1963, Dallas." Car show for the Studebaker. An announcer introduces the new model of Studebaker, and several people come up to the President (wearing a cowboy hat) and ask for his autograph and whether he will run again. Jack Jones, a Texas business man, and Trini Cordoza, a cuban businessman (composite characters of several wealthy business men Nixon knew), take Nixon to a party at Jones' ranch. An attractive young prostitute, Sandy, tries to seduce him; however, Nixon refuses her advances.
0:47:18 Getting him to run
Several Texan business men complain about President Kennedy and his policies to Nixon. A Cuban business man says that if Nixon had won in 1960, Fidel Castro would be dead by now. Another tells him that "Texas doesn't love Kennedy," and he is willing to give Nixon a "shit-pot" full of money to run in the coming election. Nixon refuses, saying that he cannot beat Kennedy.
0:50:45 Ominous White House
Shot of White House with ominous clouds rolling over a waving American flag.
0:51:56 Kennedy assassination
Footage of President Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy landing in Texas, as well as the Zapruder film showing his assassination.
0:52:07 A Terrible loss
Stone creates what a critic calls the "motif of death" by paralleling the deaths of the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert, with the deaths of Nixon's brothers, Arthur and Harold. The deaths of Nixon's well-liked brothers provided him with money to attend school, and the deaths of the well-liked Kennedy's cleared his way into the White House. Nixon talking on the phone with Herbert Hoover. He is told Lee Harvey Oswald has a "Cuba connection." Pat watches footage of funeral march and tells Nixon to call John Kennedy's brother, Robert. Nixon refuses because he wasn't invited to the official funeral. Pat reminds Nixon that he has also lost a brother, so he must know how it feels.
0:53:47 Arthur
Nixon doesn't answer her but drifts off and flashbacks to a memory of his brother Arthur getting fluid drained from his smile. His small face is contracted in pain, and he screams loudly as his family holds him down. Several emotional clips of Young Nixon and Arthur growing up. The scene ends with Hannah Nixon coming down the house stairs, and, as Nixon attempts to comfort her, she pushes him away. We then see Nixon mourning alone.
0:55:15 Lyndon Johnson
Nixon tells Pat, "If I'd been president, they'd never would have killed me. Clips showing the escalation of involvement in Vietnam by Lyndon B. Johnson. Footage of Johnson speech interspersed with soldiers in Vietnam: "In a sad time for all people...I ask for your help. We are going to see Vietnam through to an honorable defend an honored cause...whatever the price, whatever the burden, whatever the sacrifice...that duty may require." Johnson ends speech by saying that he will not accept his party's nomination to run for president.
0:56:42 God on his side
Interview with Hannah Nixon about her son's chances. She tells the reporter that "if he is on God's side," Nixon will be fine. [Interviewer played by Oliver Stone.]
0:57:23 The old Nixon charm
Nixon decides to run in the '64 election and convinces Pat that he can win. Director Stone stages a debate that never took place, where Nixon is challenged by an African American man. Nixon deftly answers (dodges the question) and wins the audience.
0:57:23 Running again
Nixon enters his New York apartment with John Mitchell, Haldeman, Ron Ziegler, and others. He has entered the presidential primaries and his chances look good according to his campaign advisors. Pat confronts Nixon about his decision to run again and storms off.
0:58:08 The old Nixon charm
Trini tells Nixon that they need her in order to win the election, and Nixon tells him, "I'll use the old Nixon charm." Haldeman (Woods) responds, "Who can resist that?" Pat says that if he really wants "this" referring to the election, than she will stick by him. She asks him to kiss her, and then he swings her about in a dance.
0:59:56 Robert Kennedy
1968, Presidential campaign footage of Robert Kennedy.
0:59:58 Like Lincoln
Televised question and answer session interspersed with shots of J. Edgar Hoover watching on tv. All is going well until an African American man asks, "When are you going to take off your mask and show us your real face?" In the control room, Nixon's advisors are agitated, but Nixon points to a little girl's sign that reads "Bring us together." Nixon emphasizes that his mission is like President Abraham's Lincoln, and he will bring the country together as Lincoln had. Cuts to Hoover's home, where he tells a friend that he wants to meet with Nixon to remind him that he needs Hoover more than Hoover needs him in office. Suggestion of a conspiracy.
1:03:51 At the races
Beginning's of the "beast" imagery that becomes central to the film. These scenes at the La Costa Country Club are also echoed in Stone's other film JFK. Hoover meets with Nixon and tells him that he does not want another radical (Robert Kennedy) to enter the White House. Nixon tells Hoover he will agree to whatever the latter has in mind. As Nixon agrees he sees a black horse foaming at the mouth, a manifestation of the "beast." Hoover asks him if he knows Johnny Rosselli from Cuba. Nixon denies it but flashbacks (B&W) to himself conversing with the mobster. Nixon expresses fear that Robert Kennedy's popularity will result in him losing the White House again. Nixon tells Hoover he wants to fight dirty, and he needs Hoover's help to do so. Hoover says that one radical in the White House is enough for him.
1:09:04 President's private office
Title appears, "1972, President's Private Office." "Fever" is playing in the background. Nixon tells Haldeman that Johnny Rosselli was a gangster used to set up "Tract 2" in Cuba. (Cuban montage showing a young Nixon shaking hands with seedy business men and Johnny Roselli. ) Nixon describes "Tract 1" as the Bay of Pigs Invasion and that Tract 2 was "our idea" not specifying who "our" is. Part of Tract 1, Nixon says, was the first assassination attempt on Fidel Castro in 1960. He also tells Haldeman that Howard Hunt was a CIA contact and that Kennedy did not know about the CIA-Mafia plot to kill Castro. Nixon: "Because he didn't even know about it. The CIA never told him, they just kept it going. It was had a life of its own. Like...a kind of 'beast' that doesn't even know it exists. It just eats people when it doesn't need them anymore." Nixon tells Haldeman "four bodies" paved the way for his election, and when Haldeman corrects him, Nixon insists four, referring to his dead brother Harold and Arthur, as well as the slain brothers John and Robert Kennedy.
1:14:24 Harold's death
(Black & White) Scene filled with tuberculosis cells. Cuts to shot of desert landscape. Title appears, "1933, Arizona." We see Harold retching, and a 20-something-year-old Nixon rushes out to comfort him. Nixon discusses Harold's death with his mother. He is saddened that he will now be able to attend law school because of his brother's death.Stone explains Nixon's drive for success as rooted in his anguish for his brother Harold who died of tuberculosis. Nixon's mother tells him that "God has chosen thee to survive." Flash forward to the 1968 Republican convention where Nixon gives a rousing speech. The scene ends with a B-52 dropping napalm on a Vietnamese jungle.
1:17:05 Can't give up
Hannah tells him that he cannot give up, "Thou must find peace in the center, Richard. Strength in this life, happiness in the next."
1:18:06 1968
Sharp cut to black screen over which we hear feedback noise from a tape recorder and microphone. Feedback fades to Nixon's confused face before thousands of cheering people. Title card appears, "1968," then "Miami Republican National Convention." Shots of Nixon and his family rejoicing at their win. He turns to Pat and says, "tell me you didn't want this, Buddy!"
1:19:40 Victory speech
Nixon's victory speech, interspersed with footage of civil unrest in the United States, including student protestors, civil rights marches, and images of the black panthers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King.
1:22:19 Bold moves
Footage of bombs dropping. Title appears, "1969-70" then "Laos and Cambodia," and finally "Secret Air Bombings, 245,000 missions." Private meetings with President and his advisors -- Nixon wants to bomb Cambodia as does Henry Kissinger, even though other advisors are unsure if this is the best tactic. Nixon: "We bomb the hell out of Cambodia." Footage of Student protests -- ends with Kent State shootings.
1:26:50 Nudging history
A large part of this scene happens aboard the Presidential yacht. Photograph of woman screaming over body of slain student at Kent State. Cuts to dark waters, and Title appears, "Presidential Yacht, Potomac River." Nixon threatens to "drop the big one" after being briefed about the student shootings. He also decides to visit China, arguing his communist-hunting credentials will not make this decision look suspect. The end of this sequence is particularly moving, with several insightful lines that add depth to Nixon's inner demons. Triangular diplomacy.
1:31:11 When it starts
I think that's when it starts, when you're a kid. The laughs and snubs and slights you get because you're poor or Irish or Jewish or just ugly.
1:31:39 No condolences
I'd like to offer my condolences. But Nixon can't.
1:31:57 Nightcap
Nixon in the kitchen with valet, Manolo. Nixon asks him if he cried when Kennedy died. Manolo says yes but cannot explain why.
1:33:57 The Beast
Shot of the Washington Memorial with the moon rising behind it. Shot of the Lincoln Memorial. For a detailed analysis of this scene, please see my Scene Analysis.
1:34:07 Lincoln Memorial
Title card appears, "May 9, 1970," then "4:00 AM." President Nixon walks up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, past several sleeping protestors. We can hear the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" behind him.
1:34:55 Nixon at the monument
Nixon looks at the monument, and behind him the night sky is suddenly filled with daylight, and we see a huge fire from an explosion.
1:35:17 Flash to Vietnam
Cut to shot of young American soldier in Vietnam.
1:35:20 Cut to Lincoln
Cut to picture of Abe Lincoln.
1:35:21 Meets students
Offscreen someone mutters, "I'm telling you, it's the president." Nixon turns around to a group of young men and women who are muttering to each other.
1:35:27 The students
Shot of a group of students.
1:35:42 Conversation
Nixon talks to young man from Syracuse University about their football program. Young woman steps in to interrupt the conversation.
1:36:12 The nature of the Beast
The 19-year-old woman accuses him of being powerless when Nixon admits he can't stop the war. They talk about the nature of the beast.
1:38:53 Must leave
Nixon's aides, including Haldeman, arrive at the monument and insist that he leave.
1:40:41 Happy times
Title appears, "June 1971, A Year Later." Protestors in D.C. We cut to Tricia's White House Wedding. Haldeman is taping the happy father, Nixon, as he dances with Tricia. Nixon tells her, "I'm proud of you, princess."
1:42:15 Happiness interrupted
Chuck Colson enters the room looking nervous. Locates Nixon and whispers to him, "Some secret essays on Vietnam have been leaked to The New York Times." Nixon responds, "I know, I know -- not now!" Nixon continues enjoying the festivities; we see him dancing with his wife and, in voiceover, hear "This is the happiest day of our lives."
1:42:38 No more Mr. Nice Guy
(Black & White) Flashback to Ellsberg stealing Pentagon papers. Nixon angrily responds to the exposing of the Pentagon Papers. Private meeting in President's office: "How do we screw Ellsberg?" Formation of the Plumbers, described by Nixon as an "intelligence unit inside the White House." Nixon compares Hiss to Ellsberg.
1:47:23 Miami
Title appears, "Miami, Florida." We see the inside of a cockfighting ring. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis meet with some Cuban men. Nixon to Pat: "They want to destroy Nixon." Pat responds, "They'll never love you."
1:52:51 The Enemy of the enemy
Title appears, "1972 China." Nixon and Kissinger meet with Mao. Scene ends with bombing of Hanoi.
1:52:56 Ellsberg
Ellsberg break-in.
1:58:02 Texas strong arms
Texan business men discussing losing Vietnam War. One complains to Nixon about problems in Chile, and Nixon assures them that the CIA is working on assassinating Alenda. Another complains about federal price controls on oil and threatens Nixon, telling him that he will not be re-elected to a second term if he doesn't get the EPA off the backs of businessmen. Nixon refuses to relent (02:01:36): "Presidents don't threaten...they don't have to." Scene ends with Nixon beating George McGovern. Nixon is told that Kissinger is the leaker of information to The New York Times; however, he does not want to fire him. At a news conference, he announces the end of the Vietnam War but is angrily rebuked by the press.
2:07:56 Playing with Power
Nixon goes into a rage about reporter's questions, throwing items around the oval office. Confronts Kissinger about leaks. Nixon and his advisors discuss the break-in in the psychiatrist offices of Daniel Ellsberg, the firebombing of the Brookings Institution, and the planting of left-wing literature in in the apartment of Arthur Bremer, George Wallace's assassin.
2:11:46 Getting personal
John Dean attempts damage control in several meetings with Nixon. Dean briefs the president and recommends Nixon implicate John Mitchell in the Watergate Scandal. The scene ends with a fictionalized account of meetings between Dean and Howard Hunt. [Historical note: Dorothy Hunt, wife of Howard Hunt, had died in a plane crash in Chicago. In her luggage was found $10,000 in cash. The money was "hush money" organized by Dean. It is believed that Howard Hunt, devastated by his wife's death and worried about the future of his children if he went to jail, put pressure on Dean for more money and no jail sentence.]
2:13:32 Haldeman's assessment
Haldeman: You think this is about politics? This is about Richard Nixon. You got people dying because he didn't make varsity football. You got the constitution hanging by a thread because he went to Whittier, not to Yale.
2:15:10 Hunt and Dean
Meeting with E. Howard Hunt Hunt and John Dean (02:15:53). John Dean: Can I ask you a question? How the hell do you have the temerity to blackmail the President of the United States? E. Howard Hunt: That's not the question John. The question is: why is he paying?
2:17:33 An hors d'oeurve
Opens with news report about John Dean receiving FBI reports.
2:19:17 Dean asserts a cancer
Dean refuses to become scapegoat for the scandal (02:19:17): "There's a cancer in the presidency and it's growing."
2:20:29 Fighting with Pat
Pat screams at him, "When do the rest of us stop paying off your debts?!" She adds later, "Dick, sometimes I understand why they hate you." They fight and Nixon insists that she leave the table and leave him alone.
2:22:34 Whitewash
The resignation of two of Nixon's closest aides, Haldeman and Ehrlichman.
2:24:20 No discussion
Nixon and Pat eat dinner, but the air is tense. He tells her, if Haldeman is convicted, he won't be pardoned. Emotional scenes in which Nixon is distanced from those he loves. Pat finds out from Alexander Butterfield's testimony that Nixon has been taping conversations in the White House for at least three years.
2:27:14 Watergate
Title appears, "June 1973 Senate Watergate hearings." John Dean comes forward with evidence.
2:28:00 Breshnev
Meeting with Breshnev interspersed with Dean testifying.
2:30:00 With Julie
Nixon's daughter Julie confronts him about a possible cover-up. He denies any knowledge, and she says that she will give speeches for Nixon to show the public that he is a "kind man."
2:31:05 Martha Mitchell aggressive
Footage of Martha Mitchell defending her husband.
2:31:38 The taped conversations
Title appears, "1973 Hearings." Alexander Butterfield confesses that President Nixon taped conversations in his office as well as his family members. Pat watches announcement onscreen, her surprised and hurt face indicates that she had no idea.
2:32:33 Drunken words
Nixon and Pat fight. Nixon listens to his tapes in the Lincoln Room. Pat confronts him about what is on them. He accuses her of being drunk, and she tells him the tapes should be destroyed.
2:34:49 Hallucinations and etcetera
Nixon hallucinates his dead mother Hannah is sitting in a chair across from him. The scene is recorded in color, but she appears in black and white. Nixon turns away and throws a glass at her, but when he looks back, she is gone. He reviews some more tapes and begins erasing a section of one. Cuts to Nixon in his bed, bleeding from the mouth. He screams out for his wife and is rushed to the hospital. Scenes from his childhood flash before his eyes.
2:37:25 More
Nixon hallucinates himself lying dead under a pile of his tapes and then imagines himself in a coffin. (Voiceover) Newscaster announces the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew.
2:38:42 No Tears
Nixon fights for his tapes but his claim of "executive privilege" is denied.
2:38:42 Stonewalling
Nixon refuses to hand over tapes to Senate.
2:42:42 Unraveling
Newscaster announces that Cox is fired, Richardson quits, while back at the White House, Nixon is arguing with his advisors over transcripts of his tapes. He insists that expletives and racist comments be deleted.
2:44:46 Unraveled
Nixon addresses the nation.
2:47:32 Smoking gun
Haig warns and tries to prepare the president for the end by convincing him that copies of his tape might exist that contain the missing 18-minute gap. Nixon in the Lincoln Room, playing "Victory at Sea" loudly and looking at old pictures of himself and his family. Haig confronts Nixon about "smoking gun" tapes and advises that he consider resignation.
2:51:00 Resigns
Nixon given resignation notice, which he signs.
2:52:37 A prayer
Nixon and Kissinger pray together; Nixon seeks comfort over how history will treat his memory. Kissinger tells him, "History will treat you more kindly than your contemporaries." Nixon responds, "That depends on who writes the history."
2:57:55 In the dark
Nixon is at his lowest point. Nixon muses on a painting of JFK. Pat and Richard share a loving moment.
2:58:26 Self-reflection
When they look at you, they see what they want to be. When they look at me, they see what they are.
3:00:37 Closing remarks
Resignation speech and Nixon's funeral. Nixon resigns. We see his family behind him. The camera pans over the audience. Manolo's face is covered with tears, Haldeman and Kissinger looking on. Nixon and Pat walk to the helicopter, and we hear the remaining part of his speech in voiceover.
3:05:17 Conclusion
Nixon's funeral. Bill Clinton delivering eulogy. "Shenandoah" is being sung in the background as we see the funeral cut with black and white photos of Frank and Hannah Nixon and, finally, a smiling 12-year-old Nixon. Stone delivers an epilogue over these scenes: Nixon always maintained that if had not been driven from office, the North Vietnamese would not have overwhelmed the South in 1975. In a sideshow, Cambodian society was destroyed and mass genocide resulted. In his absence, Russia and the United States returned to a decade of high-budget military expansion and near-war. Nixon, who was pardoned by President Ford, lived to write six books and travel the world as an elder statesmen. He was buried and honored by five ex-Presidents on April 26, 1994, less than a year after Pat Nixon died. For the remainder of his life, Nixon fought successfully to protect his tapes. The National Archives spent fourteen years indexing and cataloguing them. Out of four thousand hours, only sixty hours have been made public.