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Films >> Crucible, The (1996) >>

Ardolino, Frank R. "Miller's Use Of 'Doubting Thomas' in The Crucible." Arthur Miller Journal 7.1-2 (2012): 107-12.

Arthur Miller's The Crucible: Fact & Fiction

Berardinelli, James. (No date). Newsgroup Reviews. 23 September 1999.

Blake, Richard A. "The Crucible." America 15 February 1997: 24-27.

Boyer, Paul, and Stephen Nissenbaum. Salem Possessed. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974.

Breslaw, Elaine G. Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem. New York: New York UP, 1996.

Budick, Miller E. "History and Other Spectres in Arthur Miller's The Crucible." Modern Drama 28 (1985): 535-52.

Carr, Jay. "'The Crucible' Bewitches." Boston Globe 20 December 1996, city ed.: E1+.

Chang, Yahlin, and David Gates. "One Devil of a Time." Newsweek 2 December 1996: 76.

City Confidential: Secrets and Superstition in Salem. A&E Home Video, 1998.

Coe, Jonathan. "The Crucible." New Statesman 28 February 1997: 43.

Commager, Henry Steele. The Nature and Study of History. Columbus: Merrill, 1965.

The Crucible Project

The Crucible. CD-Rom. New York: Penguin Books. 1994.

Days of Judgment: The Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Video. Peabody and Essex Museums, 1993.

Decter, Midge. ""The Witches Of Arthur Miller." Commentary 103.3 (1997): 54-56.

Demos, John. Entertaining Satan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1982.

Egerton, Katherine. "How To Do Things With Witches: Performing The Crucible on Stage And Screen." Text & Presentation: The Comparative Drama Conference Series 5 (2008): 18-27.

Famous American Trials: Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692

Fender, Stephen. “Precision and Pseudo Precision in The Crucible.” Arthur Miller The Crucible: Text and Criticism. Ed. Gerald Weales. Philadelphia: Penguin Books, 1977. 272-89.

Gragg, Larry. A Quest for Security: The Life of Samuel Parris 1653-1720. New York: Greenwood P, 1990.

Hansen, Chadwick. Witchcraft at Salem. New York: Braziller, 1969.

Hill, Frances. A Delusion of Satan: A Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials. New York: Doubleday, 1995.

Hoffer, Peter Charles. The Devil's Disciples: Makers of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1996.

Holt, Linda. "Bleeding Love Again." Times Literary Supplement 21 March 1997: 20.

Indictment, The McMartin Trial. HBO Home Video, 1995.

Kauffmann, Stanley. "The Crucible." New Republic 16 December 1996: 30-33.

Kelley-Milburn, Deborah. (no date). Newsgroup Reviews. 23 September 1999.

Leeper, Mark R. ( no date). Newsgroup Reviews. 23 September 1999.

Levin, David. “Salem Witchcraft in Recent Fiction and Drama.” Arthur Miller The Crucible: Text and Criticism. Ed. Gerald Weales. Philadelphia: Penguin Books, 1977. 248-54.

Maslin, Janet. "The Bewitching Power of Lies." New York Times 27 Nov. 1996, late ed.: C9+.

McGill, William J., Jr. "The Crucible of History: Arthur Miller's John Proctor." New England Quarterly 54 (1981): 258-64.

Millar, Jeff. "The Crucible; Provocative Work Translates Well to the Screen." Houston Chronicle 20 Dec. 1996, D1+.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Screenplay. New York: Penguin Books, 1996.

Morgan, Edmund S. "Bewitched." New York Review of Books 9 January 1997: 4, 6.

Morgan, Marie. "The Crucible." New England Quarterly March 1997: 125-29.

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. OCRT. 13 November 1999.

Rediscovering America: The Salem Witch Trials. Discover Channel School, 1996.

Renshaw, Scott. (no date). Newsgroup Reviews. 23 September 1999.

Rhodes, Steve. (no date). Newsgroup Reviews. 23 September 1999.

Rizzo, Sergio. "'Hystorical' Puritanism: Contemporary Cinematic Adaptations Of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter And Arthur Miller's The Crucible." Classics in Film and Fiction. Ed. Deborah Cartmell, et al. London: Pluto, 2000. 93-115.

Rollins, Peter C. The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past. New York: Columbia UP, 2003.

Rommel-Ruiz, W. Bryan. American History Goes to the Movies: Hollywood and the American Experience. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Rosenthal, Bernard. The Salem Story. New York: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Salem Wax Museum

Salem Witch Museum

Salem Witch Trials. Video. A&E Television Networks, 1998.

Salem Witchcraft Hysteria: An Original National Geographic Interactive Feature

Schrecker, Ellen. Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1998.

Senator Joseph McCarthy: An American Inquisitor.

Starkey, Marion L. The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Inquiry into the Salem Witch Trials. New York: Anchor Books, 1949.

Twentieth Century with Mike Wallace: Epidemic of Fear.

Weales, Gerald ed. Arthur Miller The Crucible: Text and Criticism. Philadelphia: Penguin Books, 1977.

Witchcraft Hysteria 1692. Dir. Don Moore. Video Services Unlimited, 1991.

Witchcraft in Salem Village

The Witches of Salem: The Horror and the Hope. Video. Learning Corp. of America, 1972.

World of the Puritans. Peter Brunette. Nov. 1999. [Archived]