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7/15/1994. Harwit indicates willingness to compromise in a letter to General Merrill McPeak: "if you had the time and inclination to arrange for a meeting along the lines I described, it could well constitute the catalyst needed to bring this unfortunate disagreement to a suitable resolution."
7/19/1994. Hatch indicates a willingness to compromise in a letter to Harwit: "Martin, I still believe it is possible to produce an accurate and balanced exhibit that focuses on the end of World War II."
7/21/1994. Washington Post begins its regular coverage: "The Smithsonian Institution has failed to mollify critics of its controversial exhibit."
"Dropping the Bomb," by Eugene L. Meyer, Washington Post, 07/21/94, C2 [FullText]
7/1994. Sampling of coverage in July by major media.
"Hiroshima Row Hits US Museum," Ian Katz, Guardian, 07/22/94, 12 "The growing public debate has been mirrored by tensions within the Smithsonian." [FullText]
"Lessons of the Enola Gay," by Alfred K. B. Tsang, Indianapolis News, July 23, 1994. Letter to the Editor. "The object lesson is to try harder not to again allow the world to be in a situation confronted with that kind of decision." [FullText]