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Books and Articles On the Enola Gay Controversy (Updated 6/2006)

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Aborn, Lyn. "American Civic Nationalism and the Enola Gay Controversy." B. A. Thesis. Williams College, 1996.

Air Force Association. "The Crossroads: The End of World War II, the Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War." Washington: Air Force Association, 1995. (first script for the Enola Gay exhibit, with images)

---. Enola Gay Coverage 1994. Washington: Air Force Association, 1995. (Television and radio coverage bibliography in Course Documents)

---. Enola Gay Coverage 1995. Washington: Air Force Association, 1995. (Television and radio coverage bibliography in Course Documents)

---. The Enola Gay Debate: August 1993 -- May 1995. Washington: Air Force Association, 1995.

Alexander, Mary. "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A History of American Sweatshops, 1820-Present, at the National Museum of American History." Technology and Culture 40 (1999): 861-65.

Bernstein, Barton J. "The Struggle over History: Defining the Hiroshima Narrative." Judgment at the Smithsonian. Ed. Philip Nobile. New York: Marlowe, 1995. 127-256.

Bird, Kai, and Lawrence Lifschultz, eds. Hiroshima's Shadow: Writings on the Denial of History and the Smithsonian Controversy. Story Creek: Pamphleteers Pr, 1998.

Boyer, Paul. "Whose History is it Anyway? Memory, Politics, and Historical Scholarship." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 115-39.

Braden, Donna R. "Whose History Is it? Planning Henry Ford Museum's Clockwork Exhibit." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 489-98.

Bryan, C. D. B. The National Air and Space Museum. New York: Henry Abrams, 1979, 1982.

Campbell, Richard H. The Silverplate Bombers: A History and Registry of the Enola Gay and Other B-29s Configured to Carry Atomic Bombs. Jefferson: MacFarland, 2005.

Capaccio, Tony, and Uday Mohan. "Missing the Target: How the Media Mishandled the Enola Gay Controversy." American Journalism Review 17.6 (July/August 1995): 18-26. [FullText]

Coox, Alvin D. "The Enola Gay and Japan's Struggle to Surrender." Journal of American-East Asian Relations 4.2 (1995): 161-67.

Correll, John T. Revisionism Gone Wrong: Analysis of the Enola Gay Controversy, March 1994 -- December 1996. Washington: Air Force Association, 1996.

---. Revisionism Gone Wrong Part II: Documents and Clippings. Washington: Air Force Association, 2000.

---. Revisionism Gone Wrong Part III: Supplementary Documents. Washington: Air Force Association, 2002.

---. The Smithsonian and the Enola Gay. Arlington: Aerospace Education Foundation, 2004. An Air Force Association Special Report.

---. "The Smithsonian and the Enola Gay" (Remarks to Delta Phi Epsilon, Georgetown University, March 4, 1996.) Unpublished essay, 1996. (Course Documents)

Cripps, Thomas. "So Their Eyes Won't Glaze Over: How Television News Defined the Debate over the Smithsonian's Enola Gay Exhibit." Wide Angle 20.2 (1998): 77-104. [FullText]

Dower, John W. "Three Narratives of our Humanity." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 63-96.

---. "Triumphal and Tragic Narratives of the War in Asia." Journal of American History 82.3 (1995): 1124-35.

Dubin, Steven C. Displays of Power: Memory and Amnesia in the American Museum. New York: New York UP, 1999.

Eatherly, Claude, and Gunther Anders. Burning Conscience: The Case of the Hiroshima Pilot, Claude Eatherly. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1962.

Engelhardt, Tom. "The Victors and the Vanquished." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 210-51.

Frame, Tasslyn L. "History and the Authority of Experts: The Enola Gay Example." Master's Thesis. Hamline University, 1996.

---. "'Our Nation's Attic?' Making American National Identity at the Smithsonian Institution." Material History Review [Canada] 50 (1999): 57-66.

Giangreco, D.M., and Kathryn Moore. "Are New Purple Hearts Being Manufactured to Meet the Demand?" History News Network 12/1/03

Gieryn, Thomas F. "Balancing Acts: Science, Enola Gay and History Wars at the Smithsonian." The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture. Ed. Sharon Macdonald. New York: Routledge, 1998. 197-228.

Goldberg, Stanley. "The Enola Gay Affair: What Evidence Counts When We Commemorate Historical Events?" Commemorative Practices in Science: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Collective Memory. Ed. Pnina G Abir-Am and Clark A Elliott. Ithaca: Dept. of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University, 2000.

Greene, Bob. Duty: A Father, His Son, and the Man Who Won the War. New York: William Morrow, 2000.

Gross, Alan G. "When Nations Remember: Hiroshima in the American Consciousness and Conscience." Prospects 27 (2002): 467-88.

Harden, Victoria A. "Museum Exhibit Standards: Do Historians Really Want Them?" Public Historian 21.3 (1999): 91-109.

Harwit, Martin. An Exhibit Denied: Lobbying the History of the Enola Gay. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

---. Letter to the Editor. Journal of American History 83 (June 1996): 307.

Hayashi, Yoshikatsu. "'Enora Gei Ronso' To Rekishi No Kioku." Rekishigaku Kenkyu [Japan] 9 (1998): 29-38, 64.

Hogan, Michael J. "The Enola Gay Controversy: History, Memory, and the Politics of Presentation." Hiroshima in History and Memory. New York: Cambridge UP, 1996. 200-32.

Hubbard, Bryan, and Marouf A. Hasian, Jr. "Atomic Memories of the Enola Gay: Strategies of Remembrance at the National Air and Space Museum." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 1.3 (1998): 363-85.

---. "The Genetic Roots of the Enola Gay Controversy." Political Communication 15 (1998): 497-513.

Kingseed, Cole C. "Enola Gay: Paul Tibbets of the Army Air Forces." Old Glory Stories: American Combat Leadership in World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2006.

Kishimoto, Kyoko. "Apologies for Atrocities: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of World War II's End in the United States and Japan." American Studies International 42.2-3 (2004): 17-50.

Kohn, Richard H. "History at Risk: The Case of the Enola Gay." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 140-70.

Krauss, Robert and Amelia. The 509th Remembered: A History of the 509th Composite Group as Told by the Veterans Themselves. Buchanan: 509th Press, 2005.

Kurin, Richard. "Exhibiting the Enola Gay." Reflections of a Culture Broker: A View from the Smithsonian. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1997. 71-82.

Laird, Pamela Walker. "The Public's Historians." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 474-82. [FullText]

Leff, Mark H. "Revisioning U.S. Political History." American Historical Review 100.3 (1995): 829-53.

Linenthal, Edward. "Anatomy of a Controversy." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 9-62.

---. "Can Museums Achieve a Balance Between Memory and History?" Chronicle of Higher Education 10 February 1995: B1. [FullText]

---. "Remembering Beginnings and Endings: The Fiftieth Anniversary at Pearl Harbor and the Enola Gay Controversy at the National Air and Space Museum." America's Wars in Asia: A Cultural Approach to History and Memory. Ed. Philip West, Steven I. Levine, and Jackie Hiltz. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. 17-26.

---. "Violence and the American Landscape: The Challenge of Public History." Magazine of History 16 (2000): 10-13.

Linenthal, Edward, and Tom Engelhardt, eds. History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. New York: Metropolitan, 1996.

Little, Monroe. "Remembering Hiroshima: Cultural Politics, World War II and American Consciousness." Western Journal of Black Studies 21.1 (1997): 34-41.

Luke, Timothy W. "Displaying the Enola Gay, Hiding Hiroshima." Arena Journal 22 (Annual 2004): 73.

---. "Nuclear Reactions: The (Re)Presentations of Hiroshima at the National Air and Space Museum." Museum Politics: Power Plays at the Exhibition. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2002. 19-36.

MacDonald, Heather. "Revisionist Lust: The Smithsonian Today." The Burden of Bad Ideas: How Modern Intellectuals Misshape Our Society. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000. 117-43.

Maley, Leo, III, and Uday Mohan. "Time to Confront the Ethics of Hiroshima." History News Service 4 August 2005.

Mayr, Otto. "The Enola Gay Fiasco: History, Politics, and the Museum." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 462-73. [FullText]

McMahon, Michael. "The Romance of Technological Progress: A Critical Review of the National Air and Space Museum." Technology and Culture 22 (1981): 281-96.

Michio, Saito. "Yomigaeru borei Enora Gei: Sumisonian tenshi ronso." [Reviving the Dead Spirit of the Enola Gay: The Controversy over the Smithsonian Exhibit.] Chuo Koron (January 1995): 44-55.

Mohan, Uday, and Leo Maley III. "Hiroshima: Military Voices of Dissent." History News Service 26 July 2001.

---. "Journalists and the Bomb." History News Service 1 August 2000.

Morris, J. F. "Genbaku Toka To Amerika Ni Okeru Rekishi Ninshiki -- Sumisonian Koku Uchu Hakubutsukan Genba Tenji No Chushi Mondai O Megutte." [American historical consciousness concerning the dropping of the atomic bomb: problems concerning the cancellation of the atomic bomb exhibition at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum.] Rekishigaku Kenkyu [Japan] 8 (1995): 43-50, 61.

Newman, Robert P. "Causerie at NASM: Must We Deconstruct the Enola Gay Narratives Forever?" Rhetoric & Public Affairs 3 (2000): 277-83.

---. Enola Gay and the Court of History. New York: Peter Lang, 2004.

---. Letter to the Editor. Journal of American History 83 (June 1996): 305-6.

Nobile, Philip, ed. Judgment at the Smithsonian. New York: Marlowe, 1995.

O'Reilly, Charles T., and William A. Rooney. Enola Gay and the Smithsonian Institution. Jefferson: MacFarland, 2005.

Pleasant, Joanna E. "Remembering American Wars in Three Controversial Displays: The Wall, the Enola Gay, and the Vietnam Era Educational Center." M.A. thesis. William and Mary, 2001.

Polmar, Norman. The Enola Gay: The B-29 That Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima. Dulles: Brassey's, 2004. A Smithsonian Institution publication.

Post, Robert C. "A Narrative for Our Time: The Enola Gay 'and after that, period.'" Technology and Culture 45.2 (2004): 373-95.

Post, Robert C., and Arthur P. Molella. "The Call of Stories at the Smithsonian Institution: History of Technology and Science in Crisis." Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology [Germany] 3 (1997): 44-82.

Pressler, Michael. "Atomic Warfare and the Nuclear Family: Domestic Resistance in Hollywood Films about the A-bomb." Film Criticism 27.3 (Spring 2003): 40-53.

Pretzer, William S. "Reviewing Public History in Light of the Enola Gay." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 457-61. [FullText]

Pyenson, Lewis. "Western Wind: The Atomic Bomb in American Memory." Historia Scientiarum [Japan] 6.3 (1997): 231-41.

Rogin, Michael. Independence Day, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Enola Gay. London: BFI, 1998.

Roland, Alex. "Celebration or Education? The Goals of the U.S. National Air and Space Museum." History and Technology 10 (1993): 77-89.

---. "Voices in the Museum." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 483-88. [FullText]

Seltz, Daniel. "The Enola Gay Exhibition and the Challenge to American Memory." B.A. Thesis. East Asian Studies, Brown University, 1996.

Sherry, Michael S. "Patriotic Orthodoxy and American Decline." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 97-114.

Smith, Geoffrey S. "Beware, the Historian! Hiroshima, The Enola Gay, and the Dangers of History." Diplomatic History 22.1 (1998): 121-30.

Smith, Jim B., and Malcolm McConnell. The Last Mission: The Secret Story of World War II's Final Battle. New York: Broadway Books, 2002.

"Special Section: The Last Act." Technology and Culture 39.3 (1998): 457-88. See articles by Pretzer, Mayr, Laird, and Roland.

Straubel, James H. Crusade for Air Power: The Story of the Air Force Association. Washington: Aerospace Education Foundation, 1982.

Thomas, Gordon, and Max Morgan Witts. Enola Gay. New York: Stein and Day, 1977.

Tibbets, Paul W. The Flight of the Enola Gay. Reynoldsburg: Buckeye Aviation, 1989.

---. Return of the Enola Gay. Columbus: Mid Coast Marketing, 1998.

---. The Tibbets Story. New York: Stein and Day, 1978.

Todd, Ellen Wiley. "Visual Display and Exhibition Politics in the Smithsonian's Between a Rock and a Hard Place." Radical History Review 88 (Winter 2004): 139-62.

Tota, Anna Lisa. "Collective Memories at 'Work': The Public Remembering of Contested Pasts." Comparative Social Research 21 (2003): 63-85.

Walker, Stephen. Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.

Wallace, Mike. "The Battle of the Enola Gay." Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1996. 268-318.

---. "Culture War, History Front." History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 171-98.

Warren, Robert Penn. "The New Dawn." New and Selected Poems, 1923-1985. New York: Random House, 1985.

White, Geoffrey. "Museum/Memorial/Shrine: National Narrative in National Spaces." Museum Anthropology 21.1 (1997): 8-27.

Wittner, Larry. "The Enola Gay Exhibits, the Hiroshima Bombing, and American Nationalism." Social Alternatives 24.1 (2005): 38-42.

Yakel, Elizabeth. "Museums, Management, Media, and Memory: Lessons from the Enola Gay Exhibition." Libraries & Culture 35 (2000): 278-310.

Yoneyama, Lisa. "For Transformative Knowledge and Postnationalist Public Spheres: The Smithsonian Enola Gay Controversy." Perilous Memories: The Asia-Pacific War(s). Ed. Takashi Fujitani, Geoffrey M. White, and Lisa Yoneyama. Durham: Duke UP, 2001. 323-46.

Young, Marilyn. "Dangerous History: Vietnam and the 'Good War.'" History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past. Ed. Edward Linenthal and Tom Engelhardt. New York: Metropolitan, 1996. 199-209.

Zolberg, Vera L. "Museums as Contested Sites of Remembrance: The Enola Gay Affair." Theorizing Museums: Representing Identity and Diversity in a Changing World. Ed. Sharon MacDonald and Gordon Fyfe. London: Blackwell, 1996. 69-82.