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Note: See Contributors section for list of students who have contributed to this project.

Edward J. Gallagher, Professor of English, Lehigh University

Rob Weidman, Senior Library Technologist

Episode images: Johanna S. Brams, Project Manager; design concept by Darien Hester; design treatments by Darien Hester and Monica Shell; modifications by Lauren Glackin

Julia Maserjian, Digital Library Specialist

The Lehigh Libraries Lending Services Team, specifically Inter-Library Loan specialists Pat Ward, Carol Baylor, Brigit Gray, Daniel Huang, Marge Misinco, and Kathleen Dugan

Microfilm of the Richmond Recorder courtesy of the Library of Virginia

Marcela B. Gamallo, Research Assistant

Doug Christman, Web Development Assistant

Library and Technology Services at Lehigh University provided funding for research assistance