Newfoundland - Timeline (Expand All)
I lookt into the Plantations at the Summer-Iles, Virginia, yea into Affrick, as farre as the Cape of good hope, where for the ease of our East Indian Fleetes, I conceiued at Sancta Helena, or Soldana, a fit Plantation might be erected. But after that I had considered the many difficulties by reason of the tediousnesse of the voyage, the charge, and aboue all, the malice of the Spaniards, who being like to the Dogge in the Manger, doe want people to plant, and yet they will not permit others to plant. I saw that God had reserued the Newfoundland for vs Britaines, as the next land beyond Ireland,and not aboue nine or tenne dayes saile from thence. I saw that he hadbestoweda large portion for this Countries mariage with our Kingdomes,euenthis great Fishing, that by this meanes it might be frequented and inhabited the sooner by vs. And I verily thinke, that his Heauenly prouidence ordained this Iland not without a Mystery for vs of Great Britaine,that Ilanders should dwel in Ilands; and that wee should ponder on this ensuing Morall:
Euen as our Sauiour Christ making Fishermen, Fishers of men, preferred, Peter, Andrew, & others his Apostles, being plaine persons and simple, before the great Lords of the earth,as also the Lillies of the field, before the Royalties of Salomon: so in these latter daies, his vnsearchable wisedome preferring necessary maintenance, before needlesse superfluity, hath allotted Newfoundland, the grand Port of Fishing, to the Professors of the Gospell. And because the depraued nature of mankinde delighteth in appetite and some appearance of profit; therefore his sacred Maiestie discouered that plentifull Fishing vnto vs, to allure vs from our home-bred idlenesse, to this necessary place of Plantation. It is not Gold, nor a Siluermine, which can feed either body or soule; but the one requires nourishment to be gotten by the sweat of the browes, the other must haue spirituall repast by the Word of God.