Films >> 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)
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Created by Christopher Robe, March 2000.
2nd generation work by Rachael Hansen and John Marlow, May 2001.
3rd generation work by Rosanny Bello, Lauren Eisner, Timothy Guida, Jaime Miller, Jason Sebok, Megan Snyder, Daniel Spangler, September 2002.
4th generation work by Stephanie DeLuca, Danielle Gorman, Karolina Kiwak, Christine Rapp, Anne Rodriguez, Faith Roncoroni, December 2008.
5th generation work by Prof. Edward J. Gallagher's "Reel American History" class, Lehigh University, February 2010.
6th generation work by Prof. Edward J. Gallagher's "Reel American History" class, January 2011.
7th generation work by Kelsey Cannon, Eddie Strumfels, and Kim Weber, February 2012.
8th generation work by Marcela B. Gamallo, May 2013.