Roanoke - Timeline (Expand All)
8. If our nation does not make any conquest there, but only use trafficke and change of commodities, yet by meane the countrey is not very mightie, but divided into pety kingdoms, they shall not dare to offer us any great annoy, but such as we may easily revenge with sufficient chastisement to the unarmed people there.
21. The ends of this voyage are these:
1. To plant Christian religion.
2. To trafficke.
3. To conquer.
Or, to doe all three.31. In regard whereof many circumstances are to be considered; and principally, by what meane the people of those parties may be drawen by all courtesie into love with our nation; that we become not hatefull unto them, as the Spaniard is in Italie and in the West Indies, and elsewhere, by their maner of useage; for a gentle course without cruelite and tyrannie best answereth the profession of a Christian, best planteth Christian religion; maketh our seating most void of blood, most profitable in trade of merchandise, most firme and stable, and least subject to remove by practice of enemies.