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page 9

59. Selected image: page 9. Source: "Pocahontas Saving the Life of Smith." [Boston] Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion 12.1 (January 3, 1857): 8-10, 13. Illustrated by Billings. Short sketch accompanying the "vivid picture" by Billings. "Even in civilized communities he must be a man of heroic mould who dares to plead the cause of an enemy against the united voice of his countrymen. Let us then accord full honor to the gentle Virginian maid, who, at the peril of her life, and in opposition to her father and her whole people, interposed successfully to save the life of a wounded captive of a strange race of men." Wounded? In any event, the concluding line harkens back to Burk: "Had Pocahontas wedded Captain Smith the romance of this historical episode would have been complete."
[illustrated; engraving]
[2 of 2 images from this source.]