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page 35

8. Selected image: page 35. Source: Woodbury, Mary. "Pocahontas." c.1730. (William M. S. Rasmussen and Robert S. Tilton, Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend. Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1994. 35.) According to Rasmussen and Tilton, this 1730s painting by a Boston schoolgirl is "a colonial girl's conception of an ideal woman," with "elements of formal English portrait painting of the Georgian period as it was exported to the American colonies." Tilton 1994 says this painting "is certainly the first original depiction of Pocahontas produced in the New World, and almost surely the first done by a woman" (111). Lubbers 1994 says "she looks like a graduate from a young ladies' finishing school(174).
[Electronic Version]