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page 13

2. Selected image: page 13. Source: Vaughan, Robert. "King Powhatan Comands C. Smith to be Slayne." John Smith, The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles. London, 1624. (William M. S. Rasmussen and Robert S. Tilton, Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend. Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1994. 13.) The first image of the rescue here in the book that, as we have seen, contains the first full description of it, if not the first public mention. This first depiction of the rescue, say Rasmussen and Tilton, with elements based on earlier representations of Virginia Indians, is not itself totally original, and, in turn, it stands at the head of a long line of such images, as the image gallery in the archive attests.
[Electronic Version]