Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
I haue breiflie sett downe the manner of all mens severall ymploymentes, the nomber of them, and the severall places of their abode; which places or seates are all our owne ground, not so much by conquest, which the Indyans hold a iust & lawful title but purchased of them freely, and they verie willingly selling it. . . .
There is no smale hope by piety, clemency, courtysie and civill demeanor ( by which meanes som are wonn to vs already) to convert and bring to the knowledge and true worshipp of Jesus Christ 1000:s of poore, wretched and mysbeleiving people: on whose faces a good Christian cannot looke, without sorrow, pittie, and commyseracion; seeing they beare the Image of our heavenly Creator, & wee and they come from one and the same moulde: especially wee knowyng, that they meerely through ignorance of God and Christ, doe runn headlong, yea with ioy into distrucion and perpetual damnation.