Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
It was proposed: [blank] that some forme of writinge in way of Iustification of our plantation might be concieued, and pass, (though not by publique authorytye) into many handes. The motion seemed to have these inducements. . . .
1. First, that it mought give adventurers, a clearnes and satisfaction, for the Iustice of the action, and so encourage them, and draw on others. . . .
They which differed from him had these motuives. . . .
1. ther is much of a Confession, in euery unnecessarie Apology: that to moue scruple, especially of Conscience, wher there is afore quiettnes and no doubting rather shakes and deterrs, then settles, or confirmes. . . .
Because therfore, we shalbe putt to defend our title, not yet publiquely quarreled, not only comparatiuely to be as good as the Spaniards . . . but absoluttly to be good against the Naturall people: some thought it better to abstayne from this vnnessisary way of prouication.