Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
give me leaue to examine the lying speeches that haue injuriously vilified and traduced a great part of the glory of God, the Honour of our land, Joy of our nation, and expectation of many wise, and Noble Senators of this kingdom, I mean in the plantation of Virginia. When the [?] of the Indians, was offered to that learned and famous Prince Henry the seuenth, Some idle, dull and vnworthy Sceptickes moued the king not to entertaine the motion. Wee know our losse by the Sapniards gaine, but now the Souls of those Dreamers doe seeme by a Pithagericall Transanimation to bee come into some of those scandalous and slanderous Detractors of that most Noble Voyage. . . .
it is like to be the most worthy Voyage that euer was effected by any Christian in deserving any Country of the world; both for the peace of the Entry, for the plenty of the Countrey, and for the Clymate. Seeing that the Coantry is not vnlike to equalize . . . Tyrus for colours, Basan for woods, Persia for oyls, Arabia for spices, Spaine for silks, Tharsis for shipping, Netherlands for fish, Bonania for fruite, and by tillage, Babylon for corne, besides the aboundance of . . . . The Philosopher commendeth the Temperature, the Marchant the Commodity, the Polititian the Opportunity, the Diuine the Piety, in convertsing so many thousand soules. The Virginian desireth it, and the Spaniard enuyeth us, and yet our own lasie, drousie, yet barking Countrimen traduce it. . . .
the Angel of Virginia cryeth out to this land, as the Angell of Macedonia did to Paul, O come and help us.
No, my Beloued, to the present assurance of great profite, add this future profite, that whosever hath a hand in this businesse shall receive an vnspeakable blessing, for they that turn many to righteousnesse, shall shine as the starres for euer and euer. . . . you will obtaine their best commodities, they will obtaine the sauing of their soules . . . . goe and possess the land, it is a good land, a land flowing with milke and honey.