Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
7. You shall, with all propensenes and diligence, endeavour the conversion of the natives to the knowledge and worship of the true God and their redeemer Christ Jesus, as the most pious and noble end of this plantacion, which the better to effect you must procure from them some convenient nomber of their children to be brought up in your language and manners, and if you finde it convenient, we think it reasonable you first remove from them their Iniocasockes or Priests by a surprise of them all and detaininge them prisoners, for they are so wrapped up in the fogge and mierie of their iniquity and so tirrified with their continuall tirrany, chained under the bond of deathe unto the divell that while they live amounge them to poison and infect them their mindes, you shall never make any great progres into this glorious worke, nor have any civill peace or concurre with them. And in case of necessity or conveniency, we pronounce it not crueltie nor breache of charity to deal more sharpely with them and to proceede even to [death?] with these murtherers of soules and sacrificers of God's images to the divill, referringe the consideracion of this as a waighty matter of important consequence to the circumstances of the busines and place in your discrecion. . . .17. Your enemies can be but of two sortes straungers and natiues, for the first. . . . [second] If you hope to winne them [the natives] and to provide for your selves by trade, you wilbe deceaued for already your Copper is embased by your abundance and neglect of prisinge it, and they will never feede you but for feare. Wherefore if you perceaue that they vppon your landing, fly vp into the Countrey and forsake their habitacion you must seise into your custody half there corne and harvest and their Werowances and all other their knowne successors at whom whom if you intreate well and educate those which are younge and to succeede in the government in your Manners and Religion, their people will easily obey you and become in time Civill and Christian.