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in so much as there is no common speech nor publike name of any thing this day . . . which is more wildly depraued, traduced and derided by such unhallowed lips, then the name of VIRGINEA. For which cause . . . I have set my self to publish this briefe appollogie to the sight and view of all men . . . to free the name it selfe from the inurious scoffer, and this commendable enterprise from the scorne and derision of any such, as by ignorance or malice haue sought the way to wrong it. . . .
And for the poore Indians, what shall I say, but God that hath many waies shewed mercie to you, make you shew mercie to them and theirs. And howsoeuer thay may seeme vnto you so intollerable wicked and rooted in mischiefe, that they cannot be moued, yet consider rightly and be not discouraged, they are no worse then the nature of Gentiles, and euen of those Gentiles so hainouslie decyphered by S. Paul to bee full of wickednesse, haters of God, doers of wrong, such as could neuer be appeased, and yet himself did liue to see, that by the fruits of his owne labours, many thousands euen of them became true beleeuing Christians, and of whose race and offspring consisteth (well neere) the whole Church of God at this day. This is the worke that wee furst intended, and haue publisht to the world to be chief in our thoughts, the bring those infidell people from the worship of Diuels to the seruice of God. And this is the knot that you must vntie, or cut asunder, before you can conquer those sundrie impediments, that will surely hinder all other proceedings, if this be not first preferred.
Take their children and traine them vp with gentlenesse, teach them our English tongue, and the principles of religion; winne the elder sort by wisedome and discretion, make them equal with your English in case of protection wealth and habitation, doing iustice on such as shall doe them wrong. Weapons of warre are needfull, I grant, but for defence only, and not in this case. If you seeke to gain this victorie vpon them by strategems of warre, you shall vtterly lose it, and neuer come neere it, but shall make your names odious to all their posteritie. In steed of Iron and steele you must haue patience and humanitie to manage their crooked nature to your forme of ciuilitie; for as our prouerb is, Looke how you winne them, so you must weare them: if by way of peace and gentlenesse, then shall you alwaies range them in loue to you wards, and in peace with your English people; and by proceedings in that way, shall open the springs of earthly benefits to them both, and of safetie to your selves.