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Let the miserable condition of these naked slaues of the diuell moue you to compassion toward them. They acknowledge that there is a great good God, but know him not, hauing the eyes of their vunderstanding as yet blinded: wherefore they serue the divell for feare, after a most base manner, sacrificing sometimes (as I haue heere heard) their owne Children to him. I have sent one Image of their god to the Counsell in England, which is painted vpon one side of a toad-stoole, much like vnto a deformed monster. . . .
Oh remember (I beseech you) what was the state of England before the Gospell was preached in our Countrey: How much better were we then, and concerning our soules health, then these now are? . . .
But if any of vs should misdoubt that this barbarous people is vncapable of such heauenly mysteries, let such men know that they are farre mistaken in the nature of these men, for besides the promise of God, which is without respect of persons, made as well to vnwise men after the flesh, as to the wise, etc. let vs not thinke that these men are so simple as some haue supposed them: for they are of bodie lustie, strong, and very nimble: they are a very vnderstanding generation, quicke of apprehension, suddaine in their dispatches, subtile in their dealings, exquisite in their inuentions, and industrous in their labour. . . .
Finally, there is ciuill gouernement amongst them which they stricly obserue, and shew thereby that the law of Nature dwelleth in them.