Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
Now may you judge Sir, if the God of battailes haue not a helping hand in this, that hauing our swords drauun, killing their men, burning their houses, and taking their corne, yet they tendred us peace, and strive with all allacrity to keep us in good oppinion of them . . . .
I can assure you, no countrey of the world affordes more assured hopes of infinit riches, which both by mine own peoples discovery, & the relation of such Sauages, whose fidelity we have often found assureth me. . . .
These things haue animated me to stay for a little season, to leaue those, I am tied in conscience to returne vnto, to leave the assured benefts of my other fortunes, the sweete society of my friends, and acquaintance, wilt all mundall delightes, and reside heer with much turmoile, which I will constantly doe, rather, then see Gods glorie diminished, my King and Countrey dishonoured, and the poore people, I haue the charge of ruined.