Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
Hereupon in my desire of their conuersion and saluation, with the sauing and preseruation of our owne countrie-men there alreadie, and which hereafter shall go to them, and of all other in these ruder countries and places, I haue bene bold to tender these my poore travles, vpon much hope and confidence. . . .
Thus haue I presumed to tender unto you . . . whatsoever the Lord has vouchsafed me, whereof I haue had hope, that it might help you in your governments and charges, for the good of those poore people committed to you, and specially which might further the happy successe of that so much desired Plantation, for the conuersion of the heathen, and training them up in good learning, and the feare of the Lord, and that so from the children, it may please God more easily to deriue the same unto their fathers, from the younger to the ancients, and so in time, by some of themselves so trained up, to propagate it to all their posterity.