Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
But since our last . . . itt hath pleased God for our many seruices to laye a most lamentable Afflictione uppon this Plantation, by the trecherie of the Indyans, who on the 22nd of March laste attempted in most places under the Colour of unsuspected amytie [?] by Surprize to haue cutt us of all, and to haue Swept us away at once throughoute the whole lande had itt nott plesed god of his abundant mercy to preuent them in many places, for which we can neuer sufficyent magnifie his blessed name.
Butt yet they puayled soe farr that they haue massacred in all partes aboue three hundred men, women, and children, and haue since nott only spoyled and slaine diuers of our Cattell, and some moer of our people, and burnte most of the Howses we haue forsaken, but haue also enforced us to quitt many of our Plantacions, and so unite more neerely together in some places the better for to strengthen and defende ourselues against them.