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Reasons why it is not fittinge vtterlye to make an exterpation of the Sauages yett. My reasons are grounded two foulde. ffirst vppon holy writt and my owne experience. Seacondly, other necessarie vses and pfitte that maye retorn by the same.
Holy writt sayeth That God would not [?] the Children of Israell though they were of farr greater number, then wee are yet in many ages like to be, and came into a Country where weare walled towns, not to vtterly destroy the heathen, least the woode and wilde beast should ouer runn them.
My owne observation hath bene such as assureth me that if the Indians inhabitt not amongt vs vnder obedience And as they haue ever kept down the woode and slain the wolues, beares, and other beastes, (which are in great number) we shalbe more opressed in short tyme by their absence, then in their liueing by vs both for our own securitie as allso for our Cattle.