Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
Notwithstandinge many disasterous accidents that enterprizes of this nature, especyally in the infancy thereof are subject unto, yet pleased god soe to blesse the labors and endevers, that were ymployed for the beginninge and Progress of this Plantatione, that in the first twelve yeers, during all which tyme Sr. Thomas Smith was Treasurer and Gouernor of the Compeny, with the Expense of 70000 lbs or thereabouts, brought in for the most pte by voluntary Adventurors, beeinge agreate many of them his neere freendes and allyants, and for his sake Joyninge them selves in the Busines, and with the losse of a very few of his majesties Subjects (those alsoe beinge People for the most pte of the meanest Ranke, A large and very spacyous pte of the Country was fully discouered. . . .
The natives of the Country in soe awfull a aleancye and amytie with them, that many of those heathens voluntariely yeelded them selves subjects and servants to our gratious Soueraigne and priding themselues in that title, did togeather with moste of the rest pay a yeerly Contributione of corne for Sustentatione of the Colony, that they becam mutually healpfull and pfitable each to other.