Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
7. Expectinge accordinge to their printed Bookes a great fowardnes of divers and sundry Comodities, At myne arrivall I found not any one of them so much as in any towardnes of being. For the Iron workes were utterly wasted and the men dead, The Furnaces for Glass and Pots at a stay and in a smale hope, As for the rest they were had in a generall derision even amongst themselves, and the Pamphlets that had published here beinge sent thither by Hundreds wer laughed to scorne, and every base fellow boldly gave them the Lye in divers perticulars, Soe that Tobacco onely was the busines and for ought that I could here every man madded upon that, and lyttle thought or looked for any thinge else.
Answere 7. That the Country yields divers usefull and rich Commodities wch by reason of the Infancie of the Plantacion, and this unexpected Massacre cannot yett be brought to perfeccon, and is no lesse hindred by the emulous and envious reports of ill willers whose pryvate ends by time wilbe discovered and by God recompensed. And wee doe further answer that this Country is a moste fruitfull Country and doth certainely produce divers rich Comodities. Itt is true that the Ironworks are wasted and the men dead, but that was by the Massacre wch if itt had not happened ther had been a good proofe of that Comodity, for the works wer in a very great forwardnes. As for Vines likewise ther were divers Vine-yeards planted in sundry places, butt all of them putt back by the Massacre,
10. There havinge been as it is thought not fewer than Tenn thousand soules transported thither ther are not through the aforenamed abuses and neglects above Two thousand of them at the present to be found alive, many of them alsoe in a sickly and desperate estate: Soe that itt may undoubtedly [be] expected that unlesse the Confusions and pryvate ends of some of the Company here, and the bad executions in secondinge them by their Agents there be redressed with speed by some divine and supreame hand, that in steed of a Plantacion it will shortly gett the name of a Slaughterhouse, and soe justly become both odious to our selves and contemptible to all the worlde.
Answere. All these wee leave to be answered by the Governor and Company some of them beinge unfitt to be determyned by us. And for the last wee being ignorant how many have been transported or are now lyvinge there.