Jamestown - Timeline (Expand All)
Virginia hath roome enough for her owne (were their numbers an hundred times as many) and for others also which wanting at home, seeke habitations there in vacant places, with perhaps better right than the first, which (being like Cain noth Murtherers and Vagabonds in their whatsoeuer and howsouer owne) I can scarcely call Inhabitatants. To question this right, were to accuse almost all Nations which were rocked (for the most part) in no other cradle. . . .
Another right is that of Merchandise . . . God in manifold wisedome hath diuersified euery Countries commodities, so that all are rich, and all are poore; not that one should be hungry and another drunken, but that the whole world might be as one body of mankind, each member communicating with the other for the publike good.
or if the sauages dealt perfidiously with them (as Powhatan confessed to Cap. Smith, that hee had beene at their slaughter, and had diuerse vtensills of theirs to shew) their carkasses [the Roanoke colonists], the dispersed bones of their and their Countrey mens since murthered carkasses [referring to the 1622 massacre], have taken a mortall immortall possession, and, being dead, speake, proclaime and cry. This our earth is truly English, and therefore this Land is justly yours O English. . . .
But when Virginia was violently rauished by her owne ruder Natiues, yea her virgin sheekes dyed with the bloud of three Colonies . . . . that I speake not of thousands otherwise mis-caring here and miscarrying there, taking possession of Virginia by their facts, and fates, by so manifold losses adding to the price of Virginia's purchase: Temperance could not temper her selfe, yea the stupid Earth seemes distempered with such bloudy potions and cries that shee is ready to spue out her Inhabitants: Iustice cryeth to God for vengeance, and in his name adiureth Prudence and Fortitutde to the execution.